Part 20

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After we finished watching the movie we began talking about our summer plans.

"So anyone have any summer plans." Said Blaise.

"Me and Y/n do." Said pansy.

"I do." Said Draco.

"I don't." Said Mattheo.

"Oh right because your father is going to be assigning you more missions." I said and he nodded.

"But what are you and pansy doing this summer." Mattheo asked curiously.

"We are going to bora,bora for the half of the summer and the other half of the summer we're going to France and we're coming back 2 days before we have to go back to Hogwarts." Said pansy.

"That's sounds fun how long have you been planning this?" Asked Mattheo.

"Since 2 years ago we wanted to wait until we both were 18 to go traveling alone oh and I'm also bringing hope since I don't want her to be stuck at school for the whole summer." I said.

"It's going to be so fun I mean we may find a cute boy for hope." Said pansy.

"But wait aren't you and Mattheo going on a honey moon after your wedding?" Asked Blaise.

"No we decided not to go on one." Said Mattheo.

"That's ver unusual usually couples who get married they always go on honeymoons so why aren't you going on one." Said Blaise.

"Because we don't want to go on one." I said clearly annoyed.

Blaise rolled his eyes.

"I'm going to Italy for the summer since the lord doesn't have any assignments for me or my parents." Said Draco.

"I'm going to Florida for the whole summer to visit some family." Said Blaise.

We all continued to talk more.

3 hours later:

"When are you guys leaving to go on vacation?" Said Mattheo.

"We're leaving June 6th and coming back September 1st." I said.

"That's too long I won't be seeing you for three months." Said Mattheo.

"Don't worry I'll FaceTime you everyday." I said and kissed him.

"But what if someone tries to hurt you or a hit hits on you." Mattheo said,

"I'll kick his ass okay I'll be fine." I said and messed his hair up.

He chuckled a little bit.

"Let's go to the great hall I'm starving." Said Draco.

"Same let's go." I said and we all stood up and walked to the great hall.

We walked in and sat down and started eating.

I felt a tap on my shoulder I turned around and saw Fred and George.

"Y/n may we talk to you?" Fred asked.

"If course I'll be back guys." I said and followed the weasley twins out of the great hall.

"What did you guys want to talk about." I asked them.

"Are the rumors true?" George asked.

"What rumors?" I asked.

"That you cheated on Mattheo with Cedric diggory." Said Fred.

"No! It's not who spread This rumor." I said.

The villain in my view Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora