Part 11

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It's been 1 month and my life has never gone better they still haven't figured out that I didn't turn on my humanity I killed people behind there back.

This day was good because me and the weasley twins and Ginny were practicing for our performance at the Halloween party.

So I got ready and said bye to my friends and went to the great hall where the stage was ready I was playing the drums and Fred was singing and George was playing the guitar and Ginny was handling the lights and the music.

"Okay are we ready to start?" Asked Fred.

"Yes Fred it's been 15 minutes were ready." I said clearly annoyed.

He rolled his eyes and signaled for us to start.

Time skip:

"Okay we're done for the day everyone did amazing I can't wait for tonight." Said Fred.

"Me too well I'll see you guys tonight." I said and waved bye and walked to the painting and whispered "pure blood." And the door opened.

I walked in the common room where my friends were arguing.

"I already told you Pansy just because your going as an angle to the part doesn't mean we have to go as devils!" Yelled Draco.

"But then it won't make sense!" She yelled back and then they started arguing again.

"Alright enough." I said they didn't listen.

"I said ENOUGH!" I yelled and the room went silent.

"Heyyyyyy Y/n." Said Blaise.

"Hello everyone." I said and sat down next to Mattheo.

"Soooo how was practice?" Said pansy.

"It was amazing I'm so excited for tonight." I said.

"Amazing what are you dressing up as?" Asked pansy.

"Nothing me and the group decided to no wear costumes." I said and pansy's smiled dropped.

"What do you mean your not going to wear a costume!" She said standing up.

"Pansy calm down." I said.

"No I'm not going to calm down!" She said and sprinted towards me.

"I'll make the boys wear devil costumes." I said and she stopped and smiled and turned to the boys.

"Yeah um I have to water my plant I'll be back." Said Blaise.

"Yeah um let me help you Blaise!" Said draco

"Me too!" Said Mattheo.

And they all ran out the room.

"You don't even OWN a plant Blaise come back here!" She said and ran after them.

I laughed and sat down on the couch and turned on the tv.

And watched all three movies of fear street and I watched the conjuring 3 until 4 hours later the boys came running in sweaty as heck and they all sat down.

On the TV the woman screamed and that made them all jump up and scream like little girls.

I bursted out laughing.

"You guys are so-" but my laughter cut off my sentence I fell to the floor laughing.

And closed my eyes and without warning my humanity came back and all the emotions came running back Hayley's death came back.

And I stood up stunned and turned off the Tv and ran to my room.

I cried silently on the way there then I remembered hope and Klaus shit Y/n what were you thinking.

The villain in my view Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora