Part 8

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"That son of a-." Said Draco I cut him off before he said anything else.

"Draco Madam pomfrey is right there calm down." I whispered to him he scoffed.

"Why did her do that Y/n I've seen the two of you and the two of you looked in love." Said Blaise.

"I really liked him he treated me better than Lorenzo did." I said almost on the verge of tears but I held it back.

"Y/n Mattheo is still here in hogwarts I saw him in the great hall with some of his friends." Pansy said.

When she said that my blood was boiling.

"Draco close the curtains now!" I said and he did it.

"Look guys if Mattheo finds out I survived he won't stop coming after me he will make my life hell so I need to disappear for a while." I said while holding there hands.

"We will make sure that he doesn't find you okay we will do whatever it takes to ensure of your safety." Said pansy.

I smiled.

"Okay you guys need to act like I died while on the way over here you guys can't tell anyone that I'm alive. And it needs to be believable okay but thank god I have this." I said while piling out something from the drawer next to me.

"What is that?" Said Blaise.

"It's blood a vampires blood." I said.

"Vampires exist!" Said all of them.

"Yes they do and this blood comes from the second most powerful hybrid in the world." I said.

"What's the hybrids name?" Said pansy.

"Hayley Marshall." I said.

"And all I need to do is drink this and then snap my neck and then I will be dead for a few hours but then I will come back okay but you need to convince madam pomfrey to let you guys take me to my room." I said.

They nodded.

I took the little jar of blood and swallowed it all the way down it was disgusting but I managed.

"Now one of you has to snap my neck ." I said.

Blaise and pansy weren't doing it so I told Draco to do it he nodded and snapped my head.

The monitor beeped and I was gone.

Draco's POV:

The monitor beeped and my heat sunk I was in the verge of tears.

All of the nurses came running in they were trying to save her but couldn't.

"I'm sorry My dear i couldn't save her." She said.

Pansy started crying and so did me and Blaise we asked the nurses if we could take Y/n to her room for a more proper goodbye they said yes thankfully and I carried her lifeless body to her room.

I laid her down on her bed.

"Alright its time for phase 2." Said pansy.

"Yes indeed it is." I said.

"I think dumbledore already knows that she's dead so we should probably head to the Great hall." He said we all agreed and went to the great hall.

All eyes were on us they looked concerned.

"May I please have everyone's attention." Said dumbledore.

"Today was a very hard day for this school we unfortunately lost a very dear student of ours she was our most trusted head prefect the most excellent student in all her classes and she was a friend to all may we all honor Y/n Dalton with this feast." Said dumbledore.

The villain in my view Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora