Part 34

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11 years later:
I watched as Mila and miles ran across the garden chasing each other while laughing "I'm gonna get you Mila!" Yelled miles as he began running towards her faster and faster.

"They look so happy." I heard Tom say.

"More happy than when we were children." I said as I looked down.

"Yeah but we've learned from our past how to be good fathers and not like our father we need to teach them that it's okay to express emotion and to not hide it if you do it only gets worse." Said Tom.

"That's what I've been teaching them the past 11 years since Y/n died." I said.

"Y/n would've been so proud of you Mattheo of how amazing you've been raising Mila and miles." Said Tom as he smiled.

"She would have but I always know that she's with them because even though they've only seen pictures of her they can sense her and when she's around, that's why now they can sense each other because I'm giving them these." I said as I held up two necklaces.

"Our necklaces from when we were younger." Said Tom as he slightly smiled.

"They'll definitely need these for when they go to Hogwarts." Tom said.

"Yeah-" I was cut off by my phone ringing "hold on I've got to take this give the necklaces to them." I said as I gave Tom the necklaces and walked away answering the call.

"Hello?" I said.

"B-boss!" I heard someone say through the phone.

"What happened?" I said.

"Y-your father has been murdered!" Yelled the death eater through the phone,

"Bring the body to me." Was all I said before hanging up the phone.

My father is dead and I don't give two flying shits!

"What happened?" Tom asked.

"Father has been murdered and I've asked that the body be delivered here." I said.

"That's a surprise where are we going to burry him?" He asked.

"We're not going to Barry him he's going to go in one of the rooms upstairs and he's going to lie in a coffin till he turns into a skeleton." I said.

"Perfect plan." He said as he walked away.

"Dad!" I heard Mila say I turned around and smiled.

"What happened butterfly?" I said as I kneeled down.

"When are we getting on the train?" She said as she tilted her head.

"I'm a few hours butterfly why?" I asked as I furrowed my eyebrows.

"It's just that I'm really nervous about going to Hogwarts because of what I am dad! If I loose control and people see they'll think I'm a freak!" She said as she sat down and lowered her head as I heard her cry a little.

"Princess look at me." I said and she looked up.

"That's not going to happen honey, and your not a freak Mila your the daughter of Mattheo riddle the son of lord Voldemort and the daughter of a hybrid people have called me a freak since I started school just because I was different and your mother as well she was a werewolf and she was called freak by her own parents love but being different is okay it's normal that just shows that your unique and special in your own way even if you can't realize it." I said as I placed my hands on her cheeks.

"Do you think that I will loose control dad?" She asked.

"Well there will be some situations where you'll loose control and yes the dark side of you will show but that's why we are training you control so that won't happen." I said.

"It's kinda cool being the dark witch and the one of the most powerful beings ever." She said as she smiled.

"It's very cool and you know what having that's strength you can protect your brother and he can protect you because you know that I won't be here for a few months." I said.

"Yeah! Nobody will want to mess with us." She said as she smiled brightly.

"That's my girl." I said as I kissed her cheek.

"Go get your brother and start getting ready to leave." I said as I messed up her hair.

"Okay dad!" She said and got up and ran to the garden.

"Are you guys excited?" Asked pansy as she hugged the kids.

"Yesss!" I can't wait until the train comes hopefully I'll share a dorm with sage!" She said, sage is my niece and Dracos daughter he ended up falling in love with a girl named aurora and they ended up marrying and having sage when Mila and miles were only a year old.

The train approached and halted and everyone began going in "ok here take your suit cases." I said as I handed them there suit cases "you know that I'm so proud of you guys I'm going to miss you so Much!" I said as I hugged them tightly "us too." Said the others.

"I'll miss you more dad." The twins said as they pulled away.

"Alright go on then and don't forget to call me once you get there okay." I said they nodded and then hugged me one more time before walking along with Draco, Harry's, hermoines and the weasly twins children I watched as they boarded the train all the kids were in and the train started again all the kids huddled up again the window waving goodbye I waved goodbye to Mila and miles.

As the train took them away and onto a new adventure.

"We did a great job raising those kids didn't we?" Said hermoine.

"Of course we did and I hope that they have the greatest adventure ever." Said Blaise.

"Y/n is probably smiling right now ever so brightly by seeing her children go to Hogwarts." Said Fred as he smiled.

"Yeah she must be." I said as I smiled.

"Alright I feel like taking a drink, drinks at my house?" Said Ron.

"Done!" We all said and started walking to our cars.

I hope that they learn to call Hogwarts home because even though I didn't show it Hogwarts was my real home.

The end.

Ahhhh! So this is the end of this book thank you all so much for reading it and these past few months have been amazing with my readers and don't worry there is going to be a season 2 of this book but based on the children's POV but when they are in 4th year!

I love you all so much! And once again thank you for all of the support love I love you!


The villain in my view Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora