Part 4

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Y/n's POV:
As I wiped my tears away I looked into Mattheo's eyes and I could see that he was really worried about me in my head I cared for him to.

"You ready to go Y/n?" Mattheo said

"Yeah I am" I said
I stood up and Voldemort stood up to I turned around.

"It was lovely to meet you my my dear I will expecting you Appearance tomorrow" he Said while smiling.

"It was very nice to meet you too my lord and thank you for doing this I really appreciate it."

"Oh no need to thank me!" Voldemort said and then he pulled me into a hug I seemed surprised I think that he likes me a lot.

We said bye and transferred Back.

I had the biggest smile on my face and Mattheo Could see that.

"Looks like my father really likes you!" Mattheo said.

"I know does he like every girl you bring?"

"No he doesn't hug them or care about them but you, you were special to him."

"I wonder why Mattheo I mean I'm not different I'm just a regular girl." I said

"I know hey I've been meaning to ask you something" he Said

"Well tell me." I said

"Will you,um will you um, go on and-date with me?" He said

My smile grew even bigger.

"Um Mattheo-"

"It's alright if you don't want to I get it I'm Voldemort's son and stuff I get it."

"No Mattheo I do,I do I really do want to go on this date with you!" I said walking closer to him.

"Great! I will pick you up at 7:30 on Saturday!"

"Alright I'll see you tomorrow for our torturing session with the special guest star (drum roll) My Father!" I said while laughing.

He laughed a little to I said bye and he left I stood there with the biggest smile ever and danced around can't believe that I'm going on a date.

Then pansy Draco and Blaise came in with weird expressions.

"Y/n why was riddle coming out your room?"

"Oh it's nothing we were just going over my homework and he offered to help me with." I said trying to sound as convincing as possible.

"Yeah right!" Said Blaise.

"Pansy come here." I said

She quickly came over to me.

I whispered "Mattheo asked me out!"

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhb This is so exciting Y/n! What are you going to wear?" Pansy said

"Woah,woah pansy what did she tell you?" Said Blaise and Draco.

"Mattheo asked Y/n out on a date Saturday night!!!!" Pansy.

"Ahhhhhh." Squealed Blaise and joined us while we were jumping up and down.

"Ughh ew love" Said Draco

"Draco don't say that it's not my fault that you don't have any dates." I said.

"Whatever I'm busy and don't have time for dating." He said.

"Yeah right Draco" I said.

He walked out of the room me Blaise and pansy laughed I said goodnight to Blaise snd me and pansy got ready for bed snd we went to sleep.

The next day:
I woke up to pansy screaming at me to wake up I pushed off my bed and with an angry face I went to the bathroom and did everything that I needed to do then I put on my robe over some jeans and a black crop top.

I walked out and saw Mattheo in the common room I was way to hungry and basically ran out of the room and ran to ten great hall to find Blaise and Draco as I walked over to them and sat down next to Blaise.

"Hey Y/n-" said Blaise.

"Shut up!" I said back to him.

"Well someone has woken up on the wrong side of the bed." Draco said

"Repeat that again Draco and those will be your last words." I Said

"Come on Y/n you know you won't kill me!" Draco said.

"Wanna bet." I said

"Loved to" i said and picked up a knife.

"You better run." I said in a cold tone.

Draco ran out of the hall I ran after him.

"You can't escape me Malfoy no matter where you go I will always find a way to find you!" I said

"Just leave me alone you crazy she-devil!" He said while screaming like a little girl.

Then he stopped at a dead end.

"Time for your last breath Draco." I said while slowly walking towards him.

"Y/n, Y/n why are your eyes yellow!" Said Draco

"That won't save you draco I was about to come after him when tow strong arms pulled me back.

I looked and saw Mattheo.

"Let me go Mattheo or you'll be next!"

"I'm not so sure of that love!" Mattheo said

He put me over his shoulders and I kept yelling at him to put me down Draco followed me bad Mattheo for some reason.

We came to the common room.

"If o put you down Y/n will you stay calm and won't try to kill Draco." Mattheo said.

"Yes I promise I've calmed down." I said calmly and he put me down I smiled at him and kicked him in the leg and ran after Malfoy.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhh someone help me." Draco said while i chased him through the dorm halls.

"Draco what is going on?" Pansy said and Draco quickly entered my room and locked himself in there with pansy.

"It's Y/n she's going to kill me." He Said.

"Damn right I am if you don't open this door Pansy!" I yelled.

"Alright Y/n stop,stop violence is never the answer. Mattheo Said picking me up and throwing me again over his shoulder but this time I fell when he picked me up and broke my head open and blood was splashed every where I passed out.

Love you all and thank you for 103 ranking that means so much to me thank you so much!!!!

-Karla 💕

The villain in my view Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora