Part 14

23 0 0

Me and my friends went to pansy's car to drive and sing through out the night pansy was speeding through the roads and Blaise was about to vomit any minute now.

So we turned back and headed back to Hogwarts we turned off the car and got out of it we walked in and immediately ran to the common room we were laughing as we were walking in.

We saw Mattheo and he looked a bit odd because his shirt was messed up and he had this big bruise on his neck and his hair even more messed up as well while smoking a cigarette.

"Hey Theo." I said sitting down next to him.

"Hey LoVe." He he messed up his words.

"Mattheo are you drunk?" Asked pansy.

"Maybe we never know." He said and started laughing uncontrollably.

"How many shots did you take?" I asked.

"23 shots." He while laughing uncontrollably.

We immediately got him up and walked him to the dorm pansy unlocked the door and we threw Mattheo on the floor by this time he was sleeping already.

"So who's gonna carry him up." I asked.

"Not me." Said Blaise.

"Not me either." Pansy said.

"Well then Draco you help me." I said and he nodded.

We carried him up and boy he's heavy we threw him on the bed and he started to move a lot so we ran out the door and ran downstairs.

I walked to the kitchen and grabbed some water bottles and gave it to each on of them.

"Why would he be drunk wasn't he on a mission this makes absolutely no sense!" I said.

"I know but he probably finished the missions and got drunk with them?" Pansy said.

"Maybe he did." Blaise said.

"He's been acting real suspicious lately disappearing for a long time then coming back with his shirt  messed up and his hair messed up and bruises on his neck." I said.

"Do you think maybe he's cheating on me?" I said.

"No,NO! Y/n Mattheo loves you he would never do such a thing maybe there's a reason he comes home that way." Said pansy.

"Yeah your probably right." I said.

"Plus you guys are getting married and you haven't even shared your first kiss yet." Said pansy.

"Your right but he did kiss me but I pulled away because I was still mad at him for what he did to me." I said.

"Yeah Um- We should go it's getting late." Said Draco.

"Yeah he's right but we'll see you tomorrow alright night."Blaise said and they all walked out leaving me all alone In a very quiet house.

I walked upstairs put on my Pjs and went to bed trying not to wake Mattheo up.

The next day:

The next day I woke up with an arm wrapped around I looked and saw Mattheo sleeping peacefully on my chest I smiled and tried to replace me with a pillow and I was successful I went to the bathroom did everything I needed to do and went to the closet and picked out an out fit.

My outfit:

My outfit:

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The villain in my view Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora