Part 7

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I woke up to Pansy screaming in my ear.
"WAKE YOUR ASS UP!" Pansy screamed.

"God what do you want." I said while covering my self with my blanket.

She snatched it from me and pushed me off my bed.

"Pansy it's....8:00 am on a Saturday what could you possibly need." I said still laying on the floor.

"We are going dress shopping for your big day!" She said excitedly.

"What big day I have nothing to do today." I said still confused.

"It's your date with Mattheo!" She said helping me up from the floor.

"Oh Dammit I forgot." I said face palming myself.

"Go get ready I will be waiting in the common room." She said dramatically and went out the door.

I went to the bathroom did everything I needed to do and put on a pair of black leggings with an oversized hoodie and my hair up in a ponytail.

I put on my shoes and walked out the door.

I met with Pansy and we went to hogsmeade.

We went to different stores and found 3 dresses that I really liked since it was September it was still hot out.

About 4 hours later we went back to Hogwarts and went to the great hall to eat lunch I was eating my lunch with Pansy when astoria came up to me.

"You know Y/n you should really stop eating so much if you want to fit into your dress." She said in my ear.

My blood was boiling I stood up and punched her in the face so hard that she fell backwards and hit her face on the hard floor.

Me and pansy laughed and saw the time it was almost 5:00 so we went up to my room and laid out all three dresses.

The dresses:

The dresses:

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The villain in my view Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora