Part 23

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A/n: I'm so sorry guys for not updating as much I have been quite busy with some stuff but I promise to update as much as I can.

We were now 5 minutes away from the school I looked over to see cedrics hands sweaty as hell he was nervous about meeting a girl he doesn't even know.

"Are you alright ced?" I asked him.

"Yeah I'm just a little nervous about meeting hope what if she doesn't like me,maybe she'll think that I weird or crazy or-" I cut him off.

"Relax ced hope is going to like you she's a very friendly person don't worry." I said and we pulled up at the school at last.

"Alright you ready?" I said.

"Yeah,yeah." He said and opened the door I turned off the car and got out and we walked to the entrance I opened the door and I could already hear the music.

We walked through the hallways to where the dance was and I spotted hope standing infront of the door waiting for them to call her name.

"Hope, hope!" I whispered.

"Y/n finally you made it!" She whispered yelled and hugged me.

She pulled away and noticed Cedric.

"You must me Cedric." She said and smiled at him.

"And you must be hope." He said and took her hand and kissed it her cheeks flushed red.

"I must say that you could absolutely beautiful in that dress." He said.

"Thank you and you don't look bad yourself." She said.

"Alright I think that they are about to call your names so I think I'll go and Cedric if you hurt or make hope cry I will kill even though your my friend do you understand." I said.

"Yes,I u-understand Y/n." He said and took hopes hand.

"Alright see you later hope love you." I said and kissed her cheek and vamp sped away.

I got into my car and decided to go to the mystic grill because I was craving some fries and ketchup.

I got there in a minimum of 5 minutes and I sat down at a table waiting to for a waiter until finally someone came up.

"Hello what can I get started for you?" The kind woman said.

"I will have some of your curly fries."
I said.

"Alright and what will be your drink?" She asked.

"Some water will do." I said.

"Alright I'll be right out with your order." She said and smiled and then walked away I smiled back at her.

I felt my phone buzzing I looked at it and guess who it was my lovely fiancé Mattheo I picked up the phone and answered it.

"What do you need?" I said.

"Where the fuck are you?! Y/n I've been searching like crazy trying to find you!" He said yelling through the phone.

"I'm in mystic falls Mattheo." I said calmly.

"Why the hell are you there?!" He yelled.

"I was bringing hopes date to the dance." I said and put it on speaker.

"Who did you bring Y/n?" He asked.

"Cedric he agreed to be her date and I just dropped them off and now I'm at the mystic grill waiting for my food." I said.

"Well at least your alright sorry for freaking out like that." He said.

"It's fine love I get it you were worried about me you don't need to apologize." I said.

The villain in my view Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora