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"We're gonna get you out of here," Clarke promised as Alia tried to pry off the lock, Clarke going to look for something to help.

"Find anything?" Alia called quietly.

"Here," she rushed back over with a pipe, putting it between the lock and the bars and pushing. "Come on. Damn it."

"Let me help," Alia said, putting her hands on as they both pushed, finally getting the lock to pop.

"Okay. Come on. Quick," she opened the cage, holding her hand out. They stopped when they heard the door open, Tsing walking in. "Get back in," Clarke whispered, she and Alia climbing in with her. The Grounders started making a lot of noise, causing Tsing to walk over. They glanced down to see the lock and pipe on the floor, praying Tsing didn't notice it or them. Right as she was about to step on the lock, she was startled by one of the Grounders reaching out, causing her to quickly leave the room. "We got to go. Now," she said as she pushed the door back open, each of them taking a side and supporting Anya.

"What about them?" Alia asked.

"We'll come back. Bring help. We don't have time." She opened a door labeled End Containment Area. They walked in the room, the door closing behind them. As Clarke and Alia tried to pry it open, an alarm started going off.

"What is that?" Anya asked.

"I don't-" Clarke started to say before the floor opened beneath them, the three screaming as they fell down a chute and into a cart. "Oh my God! Oh my God!" Clarke started to panic as she realized they had fallen on top of people who were barely clinging on to life. Clarke and Alia quickly scrambled to the edge, trying to get away. "Anya, take my hand!" She grabbed on, the three pulling themselves over. "We're out."

"But where are we?" Alia asked, but Clarke didn't answer.

"Come on. Get dressed," Clarke said as she found some clothes, holding them out to Anya who only had cloth covering her, Clarke and Alia in hospital gowns. "We can't cover any ground like this."

"I won't leave my people behind," she said, looking into the bin.

"Anya, listen to me. Our people are still inside that place too, but they have guards. They have weapons. Once we get out of here, we can find help."

"We're going to come back. We're not leaving them there," Alia added.

"There is no we." They stopped as they heard voices. "Someone's coming."

"Not just someone. Reapers."

"Of course they're connected," Alia let out.

"Hey, Anya, you can't fight. You can hardly stand. I have a better idea. Come on," Clarke helped her back into the bin, climbing in after. They all laid very still as the Reapers came closer, throwing a few more bodies in before moving the carts. They waited until the Reapers stopped, taking out one of the bodies and carrying him over to the others. They heard his screams as the Reapers ripped into him and ate him alive. "Come on," Clarke whispered as Anya leant over one of the bodies. "What are you doing? Let's go."

"Your fight is over," she spoke in a language they didn't understand before snapping his neck. They climbed out, Anya taking the clothes Clarke had grabbed, sliding them on once they were far enough away from the Reapers.

"Damn it! This place is a maze," Clarke let out as they rounded another corner.

"What are they doing to us?" Anya asked.

"They use your blood."

"It makes them healthy again."

"I saw a soldier come in with radiation burns," Clarke explained. "Hours later, he was fine. It's like your blood is healing them somehow. I've never seen anything like it."

"Grounders are more exposed to radiation, so their blood has a way of dealing with it," Alia rationalized. "Mount Weather bodies can't handle the radiation, but by adding Grounder blood to theirs, their body fights it off."

"Come on. This way," Clarke said as they started moving again, but Anya didn't follow. "Hey. Hey! What are you doing? That's the way back to the Reapers."

"You go your way, I'll go mine."

"Anya, we need to stick together."

"I told you, there is no we."

"We saved your life," Clarke protested.

"You saved my life because you need me. I know the way back to your people. I know where the traps are hidden. You'd never make it alone."

"Then help us," Alia tried.

"We don't have time for this," Clarke started walking again. "Our best chance of making it out of here alive is together. All we can do is keep moving and hope-" She stopped when she realized Anya had disappeared. "Anya. Anya?"

"This is going great," Alia mumbled as they took off again. "Do you have any idea where you're going?"

"No," she admitted, stopping when they saw a Reaper coming around the corner. They turned, but another one was behind them, more coming from the different pathways in the cavern. "No, no, no." They backed up against the wall as the Reapers came closed before shirking away as a high pitched noise filled the cavern.

"Get back!" a soldier from Mount Weather called. "Get the hell away from them!" The Reapers slunk away as the soldiers pointed their guns at them. "Clarke Griffin, Alia Jasso, you're coming with us." They each grabbed one of them and escorted them back to the door to Mount Weather.

"We saw everything. We know what you're doing to them," Clarke tried.

"That's why you're going in the harvest chamber with them." He pushed a button on the door. "Alpha Delta Two, we reached the intake. Two prisoners in custody."

"Your mission was to bring back all three of them," came a voice. "The Outsider can not be allowed to leave this mountain. Alpha Delta One is coming out now." They spun around as they heard a scream, Anya leaping onto one of the men.

"His mask!" Clarke yelled and Anya pulled it off both of them, causing the men to grunt and yell in pain.

"I found a way out! This way!" she yelled, Clarke and Alia each grabbing a gun before following Anya. They stopped as they reached an opening, looking down to see a waterfall.

"Wait, there has to be another way!" Clarke yelled as they looked at the steep drop.

"There isn't!"

"Just give up, Clarke. You got no place else to go," new soldiers said as they caught up to them. Anya, Clarke, and Alia looked at each other before Anya jumped.

"Anya!" they both yelled.

"We don't have to kill you. Either of you. You hear me? It doesn't have to end like this. Drop your weapons." They did as told, sharing a look. "Hands up." They slowly started walking forwards, waiting for the soldiers to lower their guns. "Take the prisoners." Clarke and Alia grabbed each others' hands, running and jumping off of the ledge and into the water below. Clarke passed out as they landed, Anya coming and helping Alia pull her to the shore. Clarke coughed as they reached land, sitting up.

"Thank you," Clarke told her. "I think we should go back to the dropship first so I can see if my people-" She was cut off as Anya hit her over the head with a rock.

"We're not going back to your dropship."

"Anya, what are you doing?" Alia cautiously asked.

"You killed three hundred of my warriors. I can't show my face without a price." She tied both of their wrists, pulling them into the woods.

Can We Be Mountain Men? - Book 2 (The 100 Season 2)Where stories live. Discover now