Fog of War - Part 1

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"Okay, tell me again," Bellamy said as they sat at one of the tables outside of the ark. The area had been turned into a bar, so they each sat with drinks, Clarke's map on Mount Weather in front of them and one of Bellamy's hands on Alia's thigh.

"It's a labyrinth. We got to the dam through this tunnel. It's all connected to the mine system."

"Considering you can't really swim up a waterfall, that's our way in," Alia said.

"Sure. If we can get past the Reapers and Mountain Men." He sighed, leaning back and looking at Clarke. "I swear to God, if your mom doesn't sanction a mission soon, I'm going by myself."

"You won't be by yourself."

"We're a team. Whatever we do, we do it together," Alia put a hand on top of Bellamy's and he gave a small smile to the girls, turning as he followed Clarke's line of sight.

"Guess the inquisition's over," he said as he saw Finn before turning back around. "How's Finn doing anyway?"

"I haven't talked to him since we got back."

"We've been back two days, Clarke," Alia said softly.

"I don't know what to say. He just kept shooting."

"We're at war, Clarke. We've all done things," he tried.

"Hey," Finn said as he walked up.

"Hey," Bellamy said back as Alia gave a small smile, Clarke remaining silent. "Next rounds on me." He stood, grabbing their cups. Alia started to follow when Clarke sent her a pleading look and she sat back down, Finn doing the same.

"Mount Weather?" he asked, looking at the map. She nodded. "What's the plan?"

"Still working on it." The awkward silence ended as Murphy pulled up a chair.

"Ah, check it out. Salvaged Monty's still from the dropship. Now, I guess, you know, if they could just salvage Monty, huh?" he chuckled, taking a drink. "Easy. It was just a joke," he said in defense as the girls looked at him. He looked between Clarke and Finn before looking at Alia who subtly shook her head. "Okay. You, uh, tell her we were cleared?" he asked Finn.


"Well, it looks like our pardon for surviving includes our time on the ground. Bigger fish to fry, I guess."

"We did what we had to do," Finn said, not taking his eyes off of Clarke. "I gotta go."

Murphy whistled. "Trouble in paradise?" Alia cleared her throat, trying to get his attention.

"Just because they pardoned you, doesn't mean I have."

"Okay," he held up a hand, taking a drink. Alia sighed, doing the same.

"Clarke, Alia," Raven said as she walked over. "Beat it, Murphy."

"Well, then, have a good one."

"I'll see you later," Alia told him and he nodded.

"I know why we haven't heard from any of the other Ark stations," Raven whispered, leaning onto the table. "Mount Weather's jamming us."

"Show me." They got up and followed Raven to the small mechanic shop that had been set up.

"I tweaked the resonator and got this." They listened, a light hum coming through the machine. "It's on every frequency. Long range communication is totally screwed. It's also why the range on our walkies sucks. It's the same signal Monty heard on the black box of the Exodus ship."

"Mount Weather crashed the Exodus ship?" Raven nodded. "Can you get around the signal?"

"Around it? No. But if I can get to the tower that broadcasts it, I can make it go boom."

"You excel at that, don't you?" Alia asked with a smile and Raven smirked.

"No one is going anywhere," Abby said as she walked into the room.

"Mom, listen to me-"

"What do I have to do to get through to you? You and your friends are not soldiers and continuing to act like you are puts lives at risk."

"No offense, ma'am, but we are," Alia spoke up. "You sent us down here to die and we became soldiers. We were fighting this war long before you got here."

"You don't understand. Raven found something. Mount Weather is jamming our communications."

"It's true. There could be other Ark stations on the ground."

"And more guards," Clarke continued after Raven. "You said we don't have enough people to fight a two front war. Mom, we're already fighting one."

"The Grounder retaliation for the massacre could happen at any time," Byrne spoke up from where she had been standing behind Abby, "and when it does, we need every available man to defend this camp."

"So let us go."

"You're not gonna stop, are you?" she asked her daughter.

"Not until my friends are safe."

"Okay," she agreed after a second. "But I'm coming with you." The three teens looked at each other as Byrne objected.

"Ma'am, I just said-"

"It's been quiet for two days. Maybe Kane is making headway with the Grounders' commander."

"Or maybe he's dead and they're massing against us as we speak."

"Maybe. Which is why we need more guards."

"Then it's settled," Clarke said. "We're going back to Mount Weather."


"Pardoned, huh?" Alia said as she leant against the bar beside Murphy, the bartender handing her a drink.

"A-huh," he smirked and took a sip.

"You okay?"

"I'm fine."

"Clarke may still hate you, but I don't. I saw you. You tried to stop him."

"It's not right. He shot kids."

"Nothing about any of this is right. I'm glad you're okay though. Even though you've been a dick pretty much the entire time we've been here," he chuckled, "I still missed you."

"I missed you too. When I came back to the dropship and Raven was the only one there... I told you someone would protect you. I thought it was me, then Bellamy... You can protect yourself. I just never wanted to admit that you didn't need me."

"I do. Maybe not in the same way as when we were kids, but I still need you. You're my brother. Nothing will change that. Not even some of your stupid decisions."

"Well," he got cocky again, "here's to my stupid choices and my forgiving sister."

"You're an idiot," she rolled her eyes as he clinked their cups together.

"I prefer bastard."

"Shut up," she said, taking a drink to hide her smile, but he still saw it, confidently gulping down the rest of his drink. "Don't get too drunk, 'cause I'm not carrying you back to your room." She paused. "Bastard."

Hey, I know it's late and unedited, but I'm on vacation, so at least I got it posted. Hope everyone is enjoying their summers!

Update: Now edited

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