Blood Must Have Blood: Part 2 - Part 1

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They continued to sit in silence, leant against the cave walls as they stared at the door. Finally, a buzzer went off.

"It's about time," Octavia sighed as they stood.

"Wait, I know that sound." Before she could say anything else, a body came down the chute, landing in the bin beside Octavia. "That's the sound of the chute they use to send bodies to the Reapers," she sighed sadly, walking over and standing next to Octavia.

"Fox," she let out quietly. They weren't given anymore time to mourn before they heard footsteps. Octavia pulled out her sword as Alia pulled out her gun, readying themselves to fight before Clarke rounded the corner.

"Octavia. Alia," she let out. "You stayed."

"Screw you," Octavia turned her back. "Of course I stayed. I know where my loyalties lie."

"We have to get in there."

Octavia caught Clarke's arm as she tried to go forwards, making her look at Fox's body. "If that was possible, do you think we'd still be out here?"

"She's the first to come down, but who knows if there's already been more."

"Why did Lexa sound the retreat?"

"She made a deal with Mount Weather," Clarke pulled her arm away, walking closer to the door. "Freed the Grounders. Now we're on our own." Octavia and Alia glanced at each other before following her. Clarke started pounding on the door.

"Clarke, stop!" Alia yelled as they pulled her away.

"Stop! They'll know we're here." Clarke pulled away from them and turned her back. "What about Lincoln? There's no way he'd have gone along with a plan like this."

"He didn't. They took him." She held up her gun and aimed it at the door panel.

"What is wrong with you?" Octavia asked as she pushed the gun down.

"I am getting through that door!"

"That's your plan?"

"Clarke, you have to think about this. We want to get in as badly as you do, but with the army gone, we need a new plan. Going in with guns blazing isn't going to work," Alia told her.

"Bellamy's counting on you. Everyone's always counting on you."

"Well what do you want from me?" she looked at Octavia, raising her voice.

"You trusted Lexa. You let a bomb drop on Tondc. You let all those people-"

"I am doing the best I can!"

"Well, it's not good enough."

"Stop it," Alia pushed in between them. "Both of you. Arguing won't do us any good." They all turned and raised their weapons as they heard a beep and then the door open behind them. They let out a collective sigh of relief.

"Bellamy," Octavia smiled, going forwards and wrapping him in a hug. He hugged her back while looking at Clarke as Alia gently hugged Jasper and Monty. Octavia and Bellamy let go, leaving her to talk to the boys while Alia was swooped up into Bellamy's arms. He held her tightly before she winced and he quickly pulled away.

"It's okay," she smiled, putting a hand on his cheek and the other on his shoulder. "Just still recovering from having a building dropped on me. No big deal," she smiled, bringing him down for a kiss, sighing as they pulled away, foreheads resting on each other. They turned again and watched as Maya walked out in a hazmat suit, Octavia looking at her friends warily.

"It's alright," Jasper told her. "She's with us."

"Where's your army?" Bellamy asked as he and Alia walked over to Clarke.

"Gone. Just like yours." He looked away and Alia took his hand in hers. "Say you have a plan."

"Not really. We need to talk to Dante. Maya says he's in quarantine."

"Clarke," Monty rushed forward, giving her a hug, Jasper joining as she mouthed a thank you to Maya who nodded. They pulled away when they heard Maya's suit beeping.

"Thirty minutes," Jasper read the oxygen tank quietly. "We just changed it. That can't be right. Ah... Um... It's her last tank."

"Okay," Clarke walked forward. "We'll find you another one."

"All the supplemental oxygen is on level five."

"Then we have to get you to level five," Jasper told her.

"Five isn't safe for any of us."

"We'll take the trash chute again. It'll work."

"To get in, maybe," Bellamy told him, "but Maya's right. Every soldier in this mountain is there. We'll never make it out."

"We can do this," Jasper told him. "We'll split up."

"Okay," Octavia nodded. "You guys go for Dante," she looked at Monty, Bellamy, Alia, and Clarke. "We'll help Maya." She pulled out her sword and they walked inside, Bellamy closing the door behind them.


Bellamy opened the door and they walked into the white room that held paintings on the walls, Dante standing and looking at them.

"Hello, Clarke, Alia."

"Sir, we need your help again," Bellamy said.

"It's okay," Monty told him. "I took out the camera from the junction box in the hall. We can talk freely."

"No one's watching anyway," Dante said. "Thanks to you, they're all on level five."

"You're not," Clarke spoke.

"No, I'm not."

"Please," Bellamy continued, "we don't have much time. We need a way to get our people out without killing everyone." Dante remained silent.

"He's not gonna help us," Clarke said as she looked at the former president.

"You cut the power, risking the lives of everyone in this mountain, my people. Even the ones who helped you."

"We knew they'd be safe on level five," Clarke stepped forwards. "We made sure not to destroy the turbines so you could repair them. We're the good guys here, not you!"

"Sir," Alia continued politely, trying to get him on their side, "we did as much as we could to make sure your people stayed safe while we got ours back."

"Tell me," he looked between the girls, "if we released your people and theirs, what would have happened to mine?"

Clarke turned to Monty. "Can you get us into the command center? We need to see what's happening happening on level five."

"No problem."

"Let's go," Bellamy grabbed Dante's arm and pushed his back as they escorted him out. "You're gonna help us whether you like it or not."

Sorry it's a few days late. One chapter left!

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