Blood Must Have Blood: Part 2 - Part 2

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 "I told you, there's no one here," Dante said as they walked through the empty halls.

"Sorry if we don't take your word for it," Bellamy let out sarcastically as his hand rested on his gun, the other on Alia's back.

"Why aren't you with your people on level five?" Clarke asked.

"After what I've done, they can be free. I can't," he said as they stopped in front of the command center and Monty started working on the lock. "Deliverance comes at a cost. I bear it so they don't have to."

"It wasn't Cage," Bellamy realized. "It was your idea to make the deal with the Grounders." He nodded.

"We're in," Monty told them. "Got it." He opened the door and Bellamy went in first with his gun up.

"It's clear," he reported and the rest walked in. "He was telling the truth."

"Let's get the monitor's up," Clarke instructed. Monty worked silently while they stood off to the side and watched.

"You feeling okay?" Bellamy asked Alia quietly.

"Yeah, why?" she glanced up at him.

"You just said you had a building dropped on you."

"And you were obviously involved in some sort of fire," she motioned to the burn marks on his shoes. He just smiled at her, knowing each of their questions had already been answered.

"Command center's live," Monty told them as the screens went up. Their eyes focused on one of the cameras where they could see doctors working around a woman lying on a table, extracting her bone marrow.

"Raven," Alia let out and Bellamy's hand came into hers, although their eyes didn't leave the screen.

Clarke walked closer and looked at the other cameras, seeing others from the Ark chained to the wall. "Mom."

"Tell them to stop! Now!" Bellamy demanded, holding a radio in front of Dante's hands.

"I won't do that," he told him calmly.

"Why not?" Alia turned to him. "Please. These are people, not just some test subjects!" Dante remained silent.

"Emerson," Clarke scowled as she spied him in the dining room. She took the radio from Bellamy's hand and turned it on. "Carl Emerson, Mount Weather security detail, come in."

"Who is this?"

"You know who it is. Give the radio to the president."

"They're moving," Bellamy said as they watched the screen.

"Not a problem," Monty said as he typed. "I'll bring it on the main monitor."

They watched as Cage stepped into the hall and brought the radio to his lips. "This is President Wallace."

"I have your father," Clarke told him. "If you don't let my people go, I'll kill him."

"Clarke!" Alia turned to her in surprise.

"How do I know you have him?" Cage asked after a moment and Clarke pushed the radio out to Dante.

"Stay the course, Cage," he spoke.

"You won't do it," Cage told her.

"You don't know me very well." Cage was silent. "This ends now. Release my people."

"I can't do that."'

"It would mean the end of our people, Clarke."

"Forcing us to give up bone marrow isn't the only option," Alia spoke up, trying to come to peace with both sides. "We can donate it. We have more members at our camp who could-"

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