Coup de Grace - Part 1

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"Jackson, we've got two patients," Abby said as she ran into medical, drawing Raven and Alia's attention as they talked in the hallway. "You get the radiation burns, I've got the gunshot wound." They walked in as they watched Clarke stand over the one with the hazmat suit.

"What's going on?" Alia asked.

"This guy's from Mount Weather. We need to keep him alive," Clarke explained as Jackson came over. "There was a tear in his suit, but we fixed it in the field." She glanced at Raven. "Anything from Bellamy?"


"Then why aren't you at the radio?"

"Octavia just took my place so how about you back off?"

"No," Clarke stopped Jackson from removing his mask. "Leave it on. It's the only thing keeping him alive."

"Well how can we treat a guy if we can't touch him?"

"I can rig up some scrubbers in the airlock. Give me twenty minutes. Alia?"

"On it," she said as she followed Raven out. They quickly set up the airlock before returning to the radio as Jackson and Abby treated the man from Mount Weather. Alia's leg started bouncing as she stared at the radio. Her fingers started tapping next.

"Alia," Raven warned.

"Sorry," she let out as she stilled her body.

"Look, as much as I want you to hang out with me, you need to find something to do or else you'll drive yourself crazy."

She sighed. "Okay. I'll go find Kane. He usually has something he doesn't want to do." Raven chuckled and Alia walked out of the room, finding Kane at the airlock and standing next to him. 

"Anything from Bellamy?" She shook her head, looking at the unconscious man inside. "I'm sure he's fine." She just nodded, both turning as Abby walked up. "You two did a good job," he glanced at Alia. "The airlock's radiation free. When will he wake up?"

"I don't know. Soon," Abby answered. "Our blood heals them. It's incredible."

"Incredible until they realize that and start killing us to save them," Alia spoke up and they both looked at her. "Sorry. That was out of place."

"I know you're on edge," Kane gave her a small smile, "and you're right. That's why the kids in Mount Weather are in trouble."

"My kid is in trouble," Abby said after a second. "They tried to kill her, Marcus," she whispered, stepping away a few feet.

"They missed. Clarke is strong."

"She's not that strong. The Grounders look at her like she's our leader and now Mount Weather does too."

"Clarke's holding this alliance together and without that, the war is lost."

"I didn't know I'd lose my daughter over it."

"You won't," Alia spoke up. "We're not losing anyone else. Not if any of us can help it."

"You shouldn't have to," she continued.

"You sent us down here. Like it or not, we've adapted to being in charge before you landed here." Abby walked away without another word. "Was I too harsh?"

"No," Kane put a hand on her shoulder. "She just doesn't like hearing things that she doesn't like. No one does."

"Please don-"

"Alia, this is war," he continued and she pulled away, crossing her arms. "There is a chance not everyone will make it out."

"Trust me, I know. But that doesn't mean I'm not gonna do my best to save as many people as I can."

"And that's what a good leader does. Mind if I give you a lesson in politics?" She shrugged. "Your worst can become great and your best can become greater when you learn to control your emotions. I can't imagine what you're going through and at such a young age, but I believe that you have the capability to become one of the best of your generation if you apply the right skills."

"I'm trying," she whispered.

"I know. But you don't have to do it alone. I'm gonna be here with you, guiding you, passing on my knowledge, and one day you'll be ten time's the person I am. You're already better than me, but I know you can do more."

"Why me?" she asked after a moment. "Why did you pick me?"

"I saw what you could do with no training on the Ark. I saw the type of person you are. You're willing to put others' lives above your own. You choose love and compassion when the world pushes you towards hate and violence. Negotiation tactics, leadership skills, numbers and data, that can all be taught. Souls can't. You have a good soul, Alia. Something that's rare now."

"They're not rare. There's good in everyone. Otherwise, we would have destroyed ourselves a long time ago. The good may not always win in people, but it's always there."

He smiled down at her. "Do you have your answer now?"


"Please answer the question," Kane asked again.

"Carl Emerson. Mount Weather Security Detail."

"You already said that. You don't seem to be grasping the situation here. You should have died in the woods. We save your life. Why not help us bring an end to all of this?"

He waited. "Carl Emerson. Mount Weather Security Detail."

"He's not gonna talk," Clarke spoke up from where she stood beside Abby and Alia.

"He will if we open the door." Emerson sat up straighter and Abby walked over, turning off the mic to the airlock.

"We're not doing that," she told Kane.

"We need to know what he knows. Vulnerabilities. Troop numbers."

"She's right," Clarke said as she held one of the tone generators. "Torture doesn't work."

"Clarke, it could save your friends."

"It wouldn't surprise me if these people are trained to die and not give anything through torture. Then what? We open the door, he says nothing, so we save him again? After that, our threats won't mean anything," Alia spoke up.

"I'm the chancellor-"

"Then act like one! I told you I would support you as long as I believed that you were doing the right thing."

"I am! And if you disagree, convene a vote and take my place."

"I don't give a damn about the title. I just want to save our people."

"So do I." He bit his lip and clenched his jaw before walking away. "I want this man under twenty four hour guard," she instructed the guard. "Is that clear?" He nodded and she walked away. Clarke and Alia looked over, meeting eyes with Emerson. 

Sorry it's a couple days late. Life's been crazy. Hope you all are doing well!

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