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 "Has he checked in yet?" Clarke asked as she walked into the workshop.

"No," Raven answered, turning around to see the Grounder escorting Clarke. "Worried someone's gonna try and take a shot at you inside the Ark?" She turned back around, looking at the building plans of Mount Weather she and Alia had been working on.

"Wait outside, Ryder," Clarke instructed and he left the three girls alone. "Lexa's orders."

"Whatever, Clarke."

"If it works, then I'm for it," Alia spoke up, trying to dissolve the tension, but Clarke only took in a breath and looked over at the radio.

"He's late. What if something's happened to him?"

"He'll be fine," Raven told her, glancing at Alia who swallowed as she looked at the ground. "Hey, Alia, can you go grab my other marker from my room? I think I left it on my desk."

"Uh, yeah," she nodded before walking out of the room.

"Hey," Raven hissed, pulling Clarke closer, "I know you're worried, but don't let her know that. She's already going through enough. And I don't need three girls worried about Bellamy."

Clarke sighed and nodded, looking around the room and seeing all the work on the glass boards they had done. "You've been busy. Why are you focusing on the dam? I told you acid fog was our priority."

"Until Bellamy gets eyes on their dispersal system there's only so much I can do."

She sighed again. "Fine. Tell me about the dam. Can we cut off their power?"

"Maybe. I'm still playing with a few things."

"There's a lot of steps involved and we have limited information," Alia said as she walked back in, tossing the marker to Raven.

"How many of these have you made?" Clarke asked as she picked up the tone generator.

"Only two so far, but-" Raven started.

"Two? That's not enough. There'll be Reapers everywhere."

"High frequency tone generators don't grow on trees, Clarke. Wick is scrounging for parts."

"Raven, I am about to leave for Tondc where Lexa and the heads of all twelve Grounder clans are waiting for me to tell them we're a go. Only we're not a go because they still have acid fog and we only have two tone generators." She heaved and Alia pulled her into a hug. She hesitated before hugging back.

"Hey, we'll be ready," Raven told her gently.

"We're all stressed, but we shouldn't take it out on each other. We'll be ready," Alia assured her as she pulled away.

"We will," Raven said more determinedly.

"Ark Station, do you read me? Anybody there?"

"Bellamy, you're late," Clarke said as she picked up the radio. "Every three hours means every three hours."

"Are you through?"

"She may be, but I'm not," Alia said as she took over. "You can't do that, okay? Check ins are mandatory."

"You done?" She huffed, handing the radio back to Clarke.

"Have you found the source of the acid fog?" she asked.

"No. That's gonna have to wait."

"What? No. Nothing is more important than that."

"Our friends are. They've started taking them from the dorm one at a time, every few hours."

Can We Be Mountain Men? - Book 2 (The 100 Season 2)Where stories live. Discover now