Bodyguard of Lies

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"Have you eaten?" Alia asked as she sat next to Octavia at the fire a few feet away from the commander's tent. She nodded. "You okay?"

"Something about Clarke and Lexa isn't adding up.

"What are you talking about?"

"We both saw them at Tondc. They went down into the meeting room to talk and then you went down with the others. Then the bomb hit. Did you see them when you went down?"

"Everything happened so fast... but they weren't there." Octavia looked at her. "No," Alia shook her head. "No way. Clarke... she wouldn't do that."
"Why don't we ask her?" Octavia said and Alia looked over to see Clarke walk out of the Commander's tent and over to them.

"Everything okay?" Clarke asked as she sat across from them.

"I've been going over it and over it in my head just trying to figure out how... you're still alive."

"What are you talking about?"

"We saw you in Tondc before the missile hit. I know you, Clarke. Something's wrong."

"You were acting strange when you got there," Alia pointed out.

"And then you and Lexa disappear and just happen to survive?" Octavia continued. "Tell me you didn't know it was coming."

She was silent. "Octavia... Alia..."
"You let all those people die," she said as she stood, Clarke and Alia following. "You were gonna let me die. Let Alia die. Kane."

"I did it to save Bellamy. So that we could win this war. Don't you see that? If we'd evacuated Tondc, Mount Weather would've known that someone tipped us off. They would have found your brother," she said looking at Octavia before turning to Alia. "Your boyfriend."

"No, Bellamy would have never told you to do that," Octavia argued. "He would've found another way."

"Bellamy didn't know," Alia realized.

"He found out about the missile and I told him I would take care of it," Clarke sighed.

"And by taking care of it, you just let it happen? You just let everyone die? I don't think that counts as taking care of it, Clarke," Alia let out harshly. "There were so many different ways we could have handled this."

"I couldn't take that risk."

"Right," Octavia spoke back up. "Because you're in charge now and you decide who's disposable. You'd have fit right in on the Council," she pushed past her.


"Hey, Octavia," Clarke and Alia followed her.

"What?" she demanded, turning back around. Clarke was silent as they two stared at her.

"You can't tell anyone," she finally said. "If people found out-"

"The alliance will break," Octavia finished for her. "I'm not an idiot, Clarke." She turned to walk away, stopping as Lexa walked out in front of her. "Commander."


"It is time for the southernmost guard post rotation. You should relive them," Lexa's bodyguard spoke as he stood beside Lexa.

"Indra expects me to be on the scouting mission. With Lincoln."

"And now you're needed at the guard post."

"Alia, we would appreciate it if you would join her," Lexa said.

"Indra will join you there shortly," the bodyguard finished. Octavia and Alia nodded, walking towards the outside of the camp, taking one last look at Clarke.

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