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Its what {Name} {Last Name} got used to when being strapped in a table, not ever moving from her position. Stuck with a radio that played the same 3 news and one song over and over again.

It drove her mad, listening to the radio man's voice as he discussed the same news she always hears.

"A man has been shot in the eyes during a live concert of famous singer, Rica Mendez."

"The mysterious fashion designer Lady D was stabbed in the eyes. Police are still investigating on who and what caused the death of her. We mourn for her 3 daughters..."

"A massive genocide had happened inside the Phelps Building after only one night! 24 workers were dead and police claimed that the cause of death were a stab in the eyes."

She listened as those news started over and over again. She noticed they had similarities, it was just about the eyes...

'I wonder if they're tryna tell me something...'

She smirked as the same faces she has seen for the a year since she got here came in. They were about to let her restrains loosen for another check up.

They removed the gag on her mouth.

She looked at the worker in front of her. They were always so stoic except when Lady Alphine was in here. No one ever showed her kindness, not like she wanted nor expected them too. They were demons, Alphine was the definition of one.

The worker she looked at was same one who put the gag on her the first place scowled but ignored her. Continuing to arrange the equipments.

Honestly, {Name} had grown tired of it. Just a few syringes and drugs. The usual voltage that she had gotten used to. She was surprise she wasn't dead yet.

Camhila roughly grabbed her arm and harshly stabbed the syringe in it. She winced as she felt a hot feeling in her veins.
The worker beside Camhila nudged her and she started to be gentle.

This could only mean one thing.
Lady Alphine was watching them.

{Name} glared down the worker in front of her, She thinks her name is Camhila? Its been so long since she saw the outside world. She wondered if Emma and the others escaped...

Camhila decided to ignore her glare and stab another injection, and another and another. {Name} rolled her eyes, the pain was getting boring and boring.

She actually felt numb and used to it. Having to be here for what, 1 year and 5 months? She could've laughed at their faces if it weren't always for the gag.

With all her thinking, she didn't realized they were done already. After hearing the door clink closed and the gag was back in her mouth.

She sighed to herself and listen as the radio tuned in at Lady D's murder.

'I wonder who murdered her? Some guy name Ethan? Hah! Let me guess his last name Winters? Wonder why its all about the eyes...'

The nightmare begins (TPN x KNY Reader) (SEQUEL) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now