𝙵𝚒𝚕𝚕𝚎𝚛 𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛: (𝚉𝚊𝚌𝚔)

542 37 62

Zack x Reader

"Yeah, who wouldn't"


Zack walked with Anna towards {Name}'s room with a bunch of medicines and check up tools.

Zack was a little tensed, but unlike Oliver, He wasn't afraid to talk to Lady {Name} nor was he intimidated.

He actually disliked her.

The whole thing with her reuniting with her family was heartwarming, but she acted snobby in his opinion.

Despite being called a mother figure, he never sees her with the kids. She never comes out of her room or office. Heck, its even restricted so they won't 'disturb' her.

If he was gonna be separated for 2 years from her family, at least show some love when they actually reunite.

He also called Oliver a wimp for being afraid of her. I mean she never showed her skills so there wasn't even to be afraid of anything yet.

He knows not to judge a book by it's cover, It will get you to no where. But {Name} had the same vibe as.... Duke Leuvis.

They were both nobles, They are both cold... He's not gonna be surprised If {Name} is a demon or something.

The medics reached the master's bedroom. Anna knocked on the door. The door opened and a tall demonic figure greeted them.

"Ahh, Lady Anna, Sir Zack. Pleasure of you to join us."

Darius, the butler, said in a cold and deep voice. Zack hid his distaste towards the butler and only nodded.

"Yeah, Oliver sent us to check up on Lady {Name}. She in there?"

Darius nodded and made way for them to get in. They saw {Name} in the edge of her bed, sitting in her night gown while reading a book.

The room was lit up with the chandelier above.



{Name} looked up from her book.

"Oh Anna! and you must be...Zack?"

Zack nodded. He reached out to shake hands with her.

"Yeah, pleasure to meet you."

{Name} looked at the hand and hesitantly shook it. Zack secretly rolled his eyes as their contact.

'Typical noble women'

"We heard you weren't feeling well. Do you mind if we gave you a check-up?"

{Name} made a sound but nodded.

"Yeah, Its probably nothing though. I just heard like a loud ringing in my ear."

Anna nodded. She unpacked the medicine bag and grabbed the otoscope. She handed it to Zack, who motioned {Name} to be in a better position.

The nightmare begins (TPN x KNY Reader) (SEQUEL) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now