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Darius tched as he listened in from the wall in the kitchen. He listened as Ray motioned to him, warning {Name} who was listening in.

'Its not like I'll do anything Ray..Stupid humans..'

He undid his tie and undid two of his top buttons. He sighed as he heard the humans on the kitchen get out. He slid down on the dirt and looked at his hands in a fury.

"Dammit, I know you're back you stupid witch. Why'd you have to make me suspicious all of the sudden?"

Suddenly his left eye glew in yellow. His mouth formed a dirty smirk. The voice he let out was of a familiar woman's.

"What are you talking about my dear son? All I did was help you be yourself.."

The voice of Alphine came by his mouth. Darius's right side controlled the mouth in frustration.

"Myself? Are you crazy woman?! I'm not like you.."

"Nfufufu~ Its funny how you associate the crazy and abnormal to me. I feel so flattered to know I'm so much crazier than Lady {Name}."

Alphine said in a mocking voice. Darius's right hand punched a hole in the wall, creating a dent.

"Shut up.."

Darius sheeted under his breath.

"Oh?~ Why so angry? Don't tell me you grew attached? Aww poor little Darius serving his little lady. Wish you were this obedient when you were a child, tch I'm quite jealous~ After all.."

Darius's left hand lifted his own chin. The butler formed a sweatdropped when he could feel Alphine's presence infront of him.

"You are part of me and my final weakness...I'm not gonna let that little experiment know otherwise."


"Shhh now my dear son. Let mommy dear just borrow your body.."

"No way!"

Darius shouted and stood up. His left eye went back to its normal hue and he was panting hard.

He grabbed a fistful of his hair and let a frustrated snarl.

"You're back aren't you? Shit...How do I warn Lady {Name}?"

'I'm back my dear son...I'm back for her..'

Alphine's voice came into his mind. He widened his eyes and his breath stopped.

He walked towards the pumpkin patch he grew and admired the little and big fruits he successfully grows. He sighed and sat down by the ground. He caressed the top of a fully large pumpkin.

"At least you little guys can make me relax you know? No ordering or controlling right?"

Darius sighed. His mind drifted towards when he ran around this exact mansion. Also admiring plants from this exact garden.


Little Darius hummed as he admired a fully grown tomato. He wore a simple yellow noble outfit with black slacks. He looked curiously at the redness of the fruit.

The nightmare begins (TPN x KNY Reader) (SEQUEL) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now