𝙲𝚑 𝟺: 𝙿𝚊𝚐𝚎 𝟸- 𝙳𝚎𝚊𝚛 𝙱𝚞𝚝𝚕𝚎𝚛....𝚂𝚑𝚞𝚝 𝚞𝚙.

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(Blood mentioned Warnings)

1 year later

January 2047

The humming of Darius could be heard from the washing room as he scrubbed down the pots and pans that he used for tonight's dinner. Sadly enough, his master had to go on a mission for the whole day without him but she did promise to bring a sack of his dinner.

Darius placed the pans and pots on the drying rack as he scrubbed the soap off. He was humming a song {Name} would hum sometimes on her 'free' day. If she were ever not assign on a mission, Darius would see her in the library or garden, either reading or making flower crowns out of her boredom.

He always would look for her after his chores. Not in a weird way but he always found her fascinating. He knew he didn't like her in a way Romeo does to Juliet but her actions are.... nostaligia to him.

He watched her grow into a teenager. She was now a 15 year old girl with a pretty face and a strong skill to kill. William Minerva also gave her a new toy to play with last year.

She was given bombs and was assigned to blow up the facility after her assassinations. She would always place them around the building and press the button after she got out. She watched the whole facility glow of fire and destruction...

Did Darius forget to mention? Every kill she has, she slowly looses that bright gleam in her eyes. Slowly... she looses that small smile she always has whenever Darius would cook her favorite or ever Darius teases her. It was always a cold shoulder and nod.

Oh! And speak of the devil...He heard footsteps coming from his behind back.

"Welcome back....My lady."

He smiled slyly turned around and saw {Name}'s bloody figure. She was covered in blood and smelled of it, smoke, coffee and laboratory stench.

"Did the mission go well?"

Darius asked and bowed down to her. {Name} silently nodded. Darius went towards her and took of her haori and katana's strap.

"Did you bring my dinner my lady?"

"Yes, its by the front of the garden. I'm not letting demon remain stench around this house."

{Name} replied. Her voice a little deeper and reminded Darius of a whispering mother bird (Not literally).

"Yet you go in the kitchen, looking like you harpooned a dead pig."

"Shut up."

"You wound me my lady! After you take your bath, please put your clothes in the dryer. A new pair will be done in just a moment."


{Name} stated and went towards the grandiose staircase, dripping blood everywhere she went. Darius sighed at her retreating figure but didn't stay long before speed walking towards the garden, ready to gobble down his dinner for tonight.


While walking, {Name} sighed in exhaustion. She inhaled the familiar smell of blood roaming by the sides of her hands and by her shoes. Each step she took, her shoes would make a sound of something squishy being stepped on.

The nightmare begins (TPN x KNY Reader) (SEQUEL) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now