𝙲𝚑 𝟺: 𝙿𝚊𝚐𝚎 𝟻- 𝚁𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝 𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚎 𝚒𝚗 𝚖𝚢 𝚊𝚛𝚖𝚜 𝚝𝚘𝚗𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝...

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{Name} sighed in annoyance. She just got home and to her surprise, the house lights were on. She could hear the sound of children giggling and laughing from the entrance. It got her so confused.

"The hell? Am I loosing my sanity or do I hear children inside of my house?"

{Name} mumbled sarcastically.

"Well I do believe you are already loosing sanity My Lady however I dont think your sanity has something to do with the kids."

Darius's voice came from behind her. {Name} scoffed at the coming figure of her demon butler but to her surprise, two figures came behind him. Two men, one had black hair with a white streak and one had red hair with a scar on his face.

They both looked at her in surprise at her figure. They expected her to be....older and tall...not a teen who looks like she harpooned a dead pig.

Yes, she was about to walk at the front door looking bloody and scary. Her half covered face may leave the kids, if they ever see her, nightmares.

However, Lucas is in shock of recognition. He remembered when Ray came out of the dining hall, the boy was holding polaroids of his old home.

Lucas got a peek on one, it was a girl who was eating. She had crumbs on her face, she looked at the camera in shock. He saw a writing on the side of the polaroid.

"{Name} being a glutton"

He sweat-dropped at the memory but he looked at the person that was in front of him. It was her, there was no doubt about it. Same hair, same eye and same skin. This was {Name}...

"This is Lucas and Yuugo. My mission said to rescue them and their companions and bring them to the nearest medicine facility. However, Minerva changed it and said to bring them in our home."

{Name} opened her mouth, she was gonna protest. No way was she letting strangers in her house.

"And where was my say in this? Minerva has to remember, this is my manor after all."

"I'm afraid not my lady. I've already set rules and restrictions so your privacy won't be disturbed. Its better to follow Minerva's orders my lady, he seemed keen on his letter about them staying here."

Darius looked at {Name}'s visible glaring eyes. They had a staring contest, staring into each other, convincing the other with their arguments. However, Darius won by {Name} sighing and clicked her tongue.

"Fine, bring me the letter and we will discuss further about the situation at hand."

{Name} opened the front door, she slammed the door behind her.

Darius chuckled at her and looked at the two men who watch the scene unfold.

"Behold the lady of the house, The drama Queen {Name} {Last Name}."


{Name} marched towards her room quietly. She was forced to sneak around her mansion without being noticed, she may be pissed off but she doesn't want to scare the kids with her bloody form.

She held her nichirin blade close by and her haori reeked. She sighed in tiredness and irritation. Don't get her wrong, she loved kids however being a crazed killer with a one eye isn't what you would call....presentable to children.

The nightmare begins (TPN x KNY Reader) (SEQUEL) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now