𝙲𝚑 𝟹: 𝙿𝚊𝚐𝚎 𝟷- 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚛𝚎𝚍 𝚋𝚊𝚗𝚚𝚞𝚎𝚝

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It was the same old thing for {Name}. The annoying radio by her side played the 3 news and a song for over a year she thinks? She wasn't sure. She can only tell when workers checking her are checking the date. She waited for Dimitri who will bring her weekly lunch....and also information for her to come up with a plan.

Oh my, here comes the devil. The white door creaked opened and in came a mini version of Lady Alphine, not like a child but more of a human size man. He held a tray with a bowl of chicken soup and tasteless mashed potatoes with a cup of water.

However there was something different on his back. A guitar bag she hasn't seen in a very long time....

'So he didn't throw it away.'

{Name} thought as she felt her restrains loose. She hopped of the metal table and grabbed onto the food that was given to her. Dimitri and her then discussed the plan.

"The staff's banquet is soon. Every demon working under my lady will have to attend. The attendance isn't an option."

"I see..."

{Name} chewed on the chicken. She looked towards Dimitri and gulped her food before asking a question.

"Why did you bring my old bag?"

Dimitri then realized he forgot to actually start on the topic and removed the strap on his shoulder. He then gave the bag to {Name} who was still eating.

"Here, It was yours as you said. I only took a look at it. However, I didn't remove what was inside it. In all honesty, I don't even remember what was all in there. All I remember was a recording."

Dimitri nudged the bag towards the girl who was holding her plate near to her face.

"Don't shove it in my face, put it by the table. I'm still eating here."

{Name} said and continued to gobble down the lunch she ate for only a year. Dimitri put the bag down onto the table where she always lays and {Name} gave the now finished tray to Dimitri and took a look at her bag.

"You really don't remember what's inside?"

"No, Don't you? Its your bag after all."

"Yeah but I never got a good look at it. I was too busy talking with...."

She then remembered Norman....
Now that she thought about it, she wondered if Emma and Ray escaped with the orphans. Are they doing alright? How is Norman is other Lambda? She may never find out if she doesn't escape.

Erasing the thought out of her mind she continued.

"Someone... I did wonder why my bag was a guitar bag than a suitcase."

{Name} said and examined it, She the. unzipped the bag and saw....

It was just full of clothes.

The nightmare begins (TPN x KNY Reader) (SEQUEL) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now