𝗉𝗋𝗈𝗅𝗈𝗀𝗎𝖾 ⋯ ♡ᵎ

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"Aw look at the little cat!"

"Y/n, come on.."

"But that cat! So so cute!" she smiled as she took out her phone, taking a picture of the small animal before it ran away. "You scared him away Chifuyu!" she joked as he shook his head. "You scared him away, not me."

"Mean." she rolled her eyes, standing back up as she looked at the blonde. "So where are we going Chifuyu?" she wrapped her arm around his neck, bringing him close to her to the point where their cheeks touched.

"My friend's house."

"And you just invited me..?" she said, giving him a look. "He won't mind, you like cats, he likes cats, I like cats. It's a small cat hotel in his room at this point." he answered her, sighing as her eyes widened.

"That's so cute! Maybe we'll run our own cat shop one day!" she smiled as they started walking into a neighborhood. "Yeah as if he's gentle with people the same way he is with cats." he said as he started to laugh, opening the gate to his house.

"Huh? What do you mean?" she said, following him to the front door. Chifuyu knocked on the door as she heard a meow coming from below so her eyes looked down to see a cat walking around as the front door opened.

"Why are you here?" she heard coming from inside as she turned around, looking at the boy in front of her while Chifuyu placed his hand on her head. "This is Y/n L/n, my friend from school—"

"The one you said who "accidentally" almost got her cat killed?" he said, looking her up and down, trying to decide whether or not to let her in as her jaw dropped. "You told him that?! I said to keep it a secret!"

"Sorry, it just slipped out." Chifuyu looked at her, giving an apologetic smile before he grabbed her hand and walked right inside the house. "Yeah sure, just walk right into my house." Baji mumbled as he closed the door, walking towards his room as he stepped in.

He looked at the girl in front of him, thinking if he should just walk away. She was laying her back on the floor while she was raising the small cat into the air. "You're so cute! Yes you are!" she softly smiled at the small animal while Chifuyu threw a pillow into Baji's face.

"Staring. You're staring at her." Chifuyu eyed his friend, Baji rolled his eyes before he sat down next to her, grabbing the cat from her hands as she immediately sat up. "His name is Peke J." he said, putting the cat on his lap as he immediately got comfortable.

"Who named him that?!" she started to laugh as Chifuyu glared at her, Baji only let out a small chuckle while Chifuyu's eyes widened.



"I thought it was a cute name Y/n!"


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