𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝗌𝖾𝗏𝖾𝗇 ⋯ ♡ᵎ

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'Where is she?'

After the fireworks were finished, Chifuyu and him were looking for her, both wondering where she could've went. "Did you see where she went?" Chifuyu asked Baji, watching him shake his head.

"No, not really. I saw her crying though."

"What? Really? She's not the type to cry, really.."

As they were looking for her, she was on the same roof they were on, just in the corner. It was cold outside but she wasn't shivering, only holding herself as she watched everyone pass by on the streets.

'Should I tell him..? That ───' she thought, sighing before pushing herself up, dusting off her clothes as she heard the roof door open, meeting his eyes. "You! Where were you?! We've been looking for you everywhere!" Baji said, walking towards her.

"What do you mean? I was here this whole time."

"What?!" his jaw dropped, letting out a huge sigh before taking her arm and moving her away from the edge. "I'm out of breath.." he mumbled, sitting himself down as she sat next to him.

"Also..why were you crying?"

"Oh you saw, sorry. It's nothing really! It was just so pretty that it made me cry!" she played it off with a laugh. He looked at her, his hands awkwardly moving towards her cheeks and tilting her head so she could look at him as her eyes widened.


"Huh? I'm not lying!"

"You're lying, you know something, right?" he said, moving his hands away before placing them on his lap. "You act weird around me- Do you like me?!"

"We've only just met! Don't think my kindness is my attraction towards you!" she glared at him, crossing her arms as she felt her cheeks heat up. "And i'm not lying!"

"Yes you are! I can see it in your eyes!"

"Well look harder enough because i'm telling the truth!" she said, his hands on her cheeks as he pulled her close, actually listening to what she said as her jaw dropped. "I didn't me-mean it! Let go of me!" she pushed him off and started scooting away from him.

"Well I was just doing what you said!" he said, letting out a "hmph" afterwards. "I didn't think you actually would!" The two didn't let another word come out their mouths, both sitting in silence as they both became flustered and shy.

'Why is she so mean?! And..cute? No! She's mean!'

'He's so annoying but I hate to admit that he's so pretty!'

"Can I ask you something?" Baji said, breaking the silence as he turned to face her. "Yeah what is it?" she mumbled, playing with her fingers. "Have you ever uh- never mind."

"Been in a relationship?" she questioned, wondering if that was what he was going to say next before he stopped. Her eyes watching him nod his head as he hide his face in his arms, the tip of his ears red.

"No, only because the guy I like doesn't like me back!" she said laughing. "Why are you laughing?"

"Because I find it funny-" she was interrupted by her phone. She reached into her pockets to get it, answering the call as her eyes widened. "Yeah i'll be there. Bye!" she said in a rush. "Sorry! I have to get home! Bye Keisuke!" he watched her leave, taking a second to realize that she had said his first name instead of his last.

'She's making my heart beat really fast..'


𝐈𝐑𝐑𝐄𝐏𝐋𝐀𝐂𝐄𝐀𝐁𝐋𝐄 || 𝗸. 𝗯𝗮𝗷𝗶 ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now