𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝗍𝗐𝗈 ⋯ ♡ᵎ

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"No! Ms. Ito said that the homework was due tomorrow not today!"

"On the paper it says it's due today.." Y/n said, pointing at her paper as Chifuyu groaned out of frustration. "Do you mind if I copy it?" he asked as she shook her head. "Not at all."

"By the way, how do you like Baji so far?"

"He's pretty nice. By the way, Halloween is coming soon! What are we going to dress up as?" she asked, a smile on her face as he shrugged. "How about those creepy clowns and we get to scare little kids?" Chifuyu suggested.

"Maybe next year.." she laughed. "What about Nobara and Itadori?" she suggested as he shrugged. "I was thinking Tanjiro and Nezuko since I sort of..think of you as a sister.." Chifuyu whispered as her eyes widened.

"Aw really! How sweet!" she said, smiling at him as he felt embarrassed. "What's sweet?" the two heard Baji say, both looking behind them as they saw the long haired boy walk towards them. "Chifuyu thinks of me as a sister!"

"Why'd you even tell him?! He's gonna tell the rest of his friends!"

"Yeah but it's fun embarrassing you sometimes!" she said before turning to Baji. "Wanna join us for Halloween Baji?" she asked as he shrugged. "Are we stealing kids candy?"

"Um..? Maybe?" Y/n questioned her words as Chifuyu laughed. "Yeah maybe but we sort of agreed on doing Tanjiro and Nezuko..then we'll have to find another one-"

"How about Light, L and Misa!"

"I call L." Baji said as Chifuyu sulked. "Finee! I'll get Light." Chifuyu then looked over to Y/n who was happy that the two boys quickly agreed. "You're lucky! You already have yours picked out!"

"Well that sucks for you! Halloween is in one month so we have to get our costumes before because then they'll get expensive and I don't have that much money." she said, glancing at the two as they nodded.

"What made you pick L?" she asked Baji. "His costume is the easiest." he simple said as she let out a small laugh. "Yeah that is true. Why did you want L Chifuyu?" she asked the blonde boy as they started to head to school.

"I like L! He's my favorite character, Light is second so it's fine actually, I don't mind being Light for Halloween." Chifuyu answered, walking beside her as Baji did the same. "Me too! Have you also read Nana?"

"It's so good." Chifuyu and Baji said at the same time, both looking at each other oddly. "You read Nana?!" they said to each other as Y/n was surprised that they even read it.

"I love Ai Yazawa's works! I have a whole shelf dedicated to her!" Chifuyu said with a smile on his face. "Really?!" both Baji and Y/n laughed at him but they actually wanted to see the shelf and steal a few of Chifuyu's manga.

"Yes really! Don't judge me! Either of you! Y/n has a whole shelf just for Demon Slayer and Demon Slayer only! Baji has extra beds for the cats with pillows and blankets! He even tucks the cats into bed!" Chifuyu exposed his friends as they stopped walking.

"What's wrong with Demon Slayer?!"

"Sometimes cats are really tired and need a break! That's why I tuck them in!"

"Nothing! Now let's go to class! We're going to be late!"


"What if we dressed up as cats for halloween?"

"Chifuyu where the hell are you coming up with these ideas?" Baji had a odd expression on his face while he looked at Chifuyu. "I was just suggesting an idea! Never said we had to do it." Chifuyu sighed, sitting down in front of Baji.

"So how do you like Y/n so far?"

"She's alright."

'What the hell is even "Alright", Baji?' Chifuyu thought, rolling his eyes as he poked at his food. "She's really nice when you get to meet her, sometimes a bit too cheerful but really nice. Anything you like about her?"

"She likes cats."

"I'm going to fucking murder you if you keep giving me three word sentences."

"Calm down..I don't know what to think of a girl I just met." Baji said, opening his water bottle before taking a sip of the clear liquid. "She's alright."

"Who's alright?" the two boys slightly jumped for her voice as she sat down next to Chifuyu. "This cat that Baji found, he's usually a "cat whisperer" but this cat didn't like him and I asked him how'd she look like so he said that she was alright." Chifuyu quickly said, not wanting Y/n to know they were talking about her.

"Ah I see! Cats usually run away from me!" Y/n said, sulking before she started to eat. "Maybe they found out you almost killed your own cat." Baji said, teasing her as he laughed at her face expression.

"They did not! That's very impossible! They probably don't like me because I accidentally gave them tap water instead of bottled water! Yes those cats are very picky with their water." Y/n said, covering her mouth.

"Cats really don't like you."


"Baji isn't wrong, Peke J even confirmed it for me."

"Peke J does not talk Chifuyu!"


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