𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝗌𝗂𝗑 ⋯ ♡ᵎ

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Chifuyu didn't come this day for school, said he had a doctors appointment to go to, leaving Y/n and Baji alone for lunch.

Baji glanced over to her, noticing how quiet she was with a full tray of food in front of her. "Uh..are you okay?" he asked her, getting her attention as she nodded her head. "Yeah, just not hungry."

"Is it because Chifuyu isn't here?" he asked her, starting to feel a bit left out as she immediately shook her head. "What?! No! You act like he's supposed to feed me.." she mumbled, glaring at him as he froze before hearing her laugh.

"I'm just a bit stressed out, that's all. Nothing to really worry about." she said in a reassuring voice, smiling just a bit. "If you say so." he said, nodding his head slowly before he started to eat his food, taking pauses, realizing that he was so used to sharing his food that it became a habit.

'Maybe she ate earlier and just isn't hungry right now..but then why did she get her food?!' Baji thought, trying to make her make sense but nothing was coming together. "I don't like you staring at me like that..it's kinda scary." she mumbled.

"Huh- sorry."

"Is there something wrong with me?" she chuckled, glancing at him as he quickly shook his head. "No! Nothing at all! It's just..you're weird sometimes-"

"You think i'm weird?!"

"Only sometimes!"

"That doesn't make it any better!" she glared at him, sighing to herself and crossing her arms before looking down at her food. "It's just that..nevermind." she started to say before dismissing the topic.

"How was your day?" she asked him, he was a bit taken back at her sudden question, he glanced at her just for a few seconds before answering. "It's been good so far, if only that dude didn't take so long picking out what to eat even though we're all eating the same thing!"

Her laugh filled his ears as he could feel his palms start to sweat, he checked his forehead and cheeks as his eyes widened at the heat. She looked at him, wondering what he was doing before she asked.

"Are you okay? You seem to be the weird one here." she said, earning a glare from him. "I'm not..I just think i'm getting sick, my face is heating up and mom's going to give me that nasty medicine if I do get sick!" he cried out as she laughed at him.

"Maybe you just like me." she said, watching his jaw drop as he shook his head. "I do not! I'm going to go eat with my other friends!" he said, picking up his tray as he heard her laugh. 'He's such a kid.'


"Hurry up Keisuke, the fireworks are starting!"

"Mom..i'm trying to tie my shoes..don't drag me!"

Baji tried keeping up with his mother, attempting to put on his shoes before they reached the roof of the apartment complex. Once they reached the top, he immediately bent down to tie his shoes while his mother went to go talk with their neighbors.

'She could've at least gave me five minutes!' he thought before looking up and seeing a certain blonde standing near the edge along with a certain girl. 'Why are they always together?! Are they dating?!' he then started to walk towards the two, pushing himself through the group of people.

"Hey, Chifuyu-" he started to say before he saw Y/n turn around. "Hi, Baji. I hope you don't mind me being here-" she said until Baji interrupted her. "Why is she here?!" he said, pointing right at her as she sighed before bringing her arm around his shoulders.

"We'll get along, Baji! Just don't push it!" she said in a scary sweet tone, scaring Baji and Chifuyu. "Anyways, let's enjoy the rest of the night!" she said, letting go of Baji as he turned to Chifuyu, gesturing to the blonde that he was going to find a special place in the cemetery for her.

"It's starting.." she mumbled, her eyes set on the dark, night sky before they heard the sound of the firework releasing, suddenly everyone's heads tilted up as their faces glowed with different colors.

"Pretty.." the three mumbled, their jaws slightly dropping as they all stared at the colors being bursted into the sky. Baji slightly glanced at her, watching the corners of her lips lift up as she let out a small chuckle, he could see her eyes become glossy before a tiny tear roll down her cheek.

'Why is she-'

"Baji, did you see that one?!" Chifuyu shook Baji's shoulders, stars in his eyes as he pointed right at the sky. "Huh." Baji looked over to Chifuyu before glancing back at the spot where Y/n was, only to find it empty.

'Where did she go?"


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