𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝖿𝗂𝗏𝖾 ⋯ ♡ᵎ

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"So what do you think of her?"


"Y/n obviously! Who else am I talking about Baji?!" Chifuyu glared at his friend. "Sometimes I forget how dumb you are.." he mumbled under his breath as Baji heard it. "Me?! Dumb?!"

"Yes, dumb!" the two were staring at each other before they sighed. "She's nice." Baji started to say, holding the random cat up in his hands. "Did I tell you we even ding ding ditch? It was so fun until we got caught.."

"Yeah..I can see that your grounded.." Chifuyu shook his head. "So she's just nice?! I mean she's nicer than nice! She's like an angel!"

"An angel that almost killed her cat."

"Why are you still up on that?!" Chifuyu said, taking the cat from Baji's hands and petting it. "I don't know. It's a sad thing to think about!" Baji took the cat back. "I wouldn't hurt you..you're so cute." Baji said to the cat in a muffled voice, Chifuyu rolling his eyes.

"Anyways i'm going to meet up with her in a bit, want to come?" Chifuyu asked him. "I'm grounded.." Baji glared at his friend who nodded. "I know, that's why I asked."

"Anyways, i'll see you later." Chifuyu stood up, grabbing his things before shoving Baji to the ground and running out of his room. "Bye Ms.Baji!" Chifuyu waved goodbye to her before exiting out the apartment. "Bye Chifuyu!"

'Idiot!' Baji thought, rolling his eyes at his friend before laying himself on the floor. He then heard his phone ping, his arm reaching over to it and looking at the unknown number.

"Hello? Who is this-" he started to say until he was cut off by the caller. "This is the police department, am I talking to Baji Keisuke?" he froze, wondering if he had been caught lighting cars on fire. "No." he didn't hesitate to answer.

"That was a quick responseee Ba-ji!" she laughed, his heart calming down because he was scared that they would've called his mother. "Wait? L/n? How'd you get my number?"

"Chifuyu, I got it from his phone!" she said, bringing the blanket over her shoulders before yawning. "And you decided to call..?" he questioned her actions, wondering the reason why for the sudden call, especially from her, a girl he barely knew.

"No reason, I have nothing to do at the moment!"

"Aren't you going to hang out with Chifuyu?" he asked her, starting to think the blonde boy only said that just as an excuse to leave. "Yeah! In a few minutes! Did he tell you? Would you like to come?"

"I'm grounded..what are you guys doing?"

"We're going to the petting zoo!"

"What?! And i'm grounded?! And you guys get to go?!" he said into the phone, hearing her laugh. "Wait, how are you going? Aren't you in trouble too?"

"Yes but my parents aren't home right now so I don't mind going! Is your mom home?" she asked him. "Yeah she is. She won't let me leave until I finish reading this book.

"Books aren't that bad! What type of book is it?"

"A picture book- Why are you laughing?!"

"I'm sorry, a picture book?!" she continued to laugh as he froze, his heart slightly racing. "Don't make fun of me!"

"I'm not! I just find it a but cute that's all!" she said even though she continued to laugh. "How do you find that cute?! Are you mocking me or something?!" he started to get frustrated.

"No! I'm not!" she said. "Anyways, I have to go, Chifuyu almost here! Bye Baji!!" she smiled. "Huh? Oh bye." he said back before hearing the call end.

'My heart is racing.."


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