𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝗍𝗁𝗋𝖾𝖾 ⋯ ♡ᵎ

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"I'm bored of class already, let's go find Y/n, maybe she has something fun to do." he said as Chifuyu looked at him with a smile. "You like her already?! I knew something might happen with you guys but I never expected it to be so early- my predictions were wrong?! I need to make another hypothesis-"

"What are you talking about?! And hypoththeecees?! What type of word is that?!" Baji said while Chifuyu stared at him as if he was a total idiot. "It's hy-po-the-sis, not hy-po-thee-cees you dumbass! And yeah, maybe Y/n does have something better to do-"

"Baji and Matsuno, please be quiet! Do you want me to call your mother's again!?"

"No.." the two mumbled, both sinking in their chairs as they both hid from embarrassment. "Good, now moving onward with our lesson." the teacher spoke as Chifuyu grabbed a piece of paper and started writing on it while Baji's eyes peeked over to his desk, trying to see what he was writing.

'Let's find Y/n after class!! :D'

Baji nodded, getting a piece of paper and grabbing his pencil. 'We have lunch next, do u think she has lunch for us?' he wrote while Chifuyu gave him a look. 'Why would she have lunch for us Baji?! D:'

'Maybee she read my mind?'

"Baji and Matsuno." the two didn't even notice their teacher was standing in front of them while their hearts raced. "Yes Ms. Iwasaki..?" the two slowly turned to her. "Clean up the class after school, I want it squeaky clean or would you rather have detention-"

"We'll clean up the class.."


The bell had rung as the two immediately stood up from their desk and ran out the classroom as the teacher tried calling out for them but gave up once they were in the hallway.

"What class is she in?" Baji asked, looking at the numbers above the classroom. "Class two." Chifuyu said, going down the hall as he spotted her coming out the class.

"Y/n!" Chifuyu called out for her, pushing through everyone else as she turned to him, giving the two a smile as she waited for them. "Are we having lunch together?" he asked her as she nodded. "I was going to ask you the same thing, are you joining us Baji?"

"Mhm." he hummed as Chifuyu looked at him. "Aren't you going to ask her?" he said to Baji. "Huh? No! That's embarrassing now that you said it!"

"Ask what?"

"Baji is an idiot. He wanted to ask-" he felt his hair being pulled, glaring at Baji. "He wanted to ask if he could see your pet cat." Chifuyu mumbled as Baji looked at him. "Yeah let's hope it's alive first."

"He is alive! And it was a one time thing!" she said as the two laughed. "I'm kidding, now let's eat lunch?" Baji spoke as the two nodded, following him towards the cafeteria. "What'd you get for lunch Y/n?" Baji asked, hoping he could get a bite since he wasn't a big fan of school lunch.

"Hm? I don't bring lunch."

"So you eat school lunch?" Baji asked as she shook her head. "I don't get hungry, I don't have a big appetite." she said as they entered the lunch room. "Want to eat outside?" Chifuyu suggested as he and Baji went to the lunch line while Y/n agreed to the idea and waited outside.

"She's a bit odd."

"I'm surprised you know that word.." Chifuyu whispered to himself, grabbing a tray as Baji did the same. "Huh?" he said, trying to hear what Chifuyu said as he shook his head. "Nothing, i'm hungry!"

The two boys headed outside, seeing that Y/n had sat down at a table. "You sure you're not going to eat?" Chifuyu asked, moving his tray towards her as Baji did the same. "Yeah, you sure?"

"Yes, I'm sure." she laughed, her heart warming at the kind gesture of the two. Though, she wish she did have an appetite, being -- wasn't helping either. "Thank you though." she smiled at them as they started to eat.

She then took out her phone, going through her camera roll as she then turned the phone towards Baji, Chifuyu's eyes peeking over to see what she was showing him.

"This is my cat, he's old. Very old." she chuckled as Baji zoomed in the photo, seeing that she was in the background. "When was this taken?" he asked her as she looked back at the photo. "Just a few days ago. He's probably sleeping right now."

"Wait, are you guys still up for Halloween?"

"Yeah! I already told my mom, she..wants you guys to come over so we can dress up together!" Chifuyu cheered as Y/n nodded, quickly agreeing to the idea. "Yes! That would be so fun! You in Baji?" she turned to him as he lightly nodded.

"We're only a floor a apart."

"You guys live in the same complex?" she asked as they nodded. "That's so cool! I wanna live in the same place as my friend!" she said.

"Let's go clothes for our cosplays on the weekend before they sell out!"


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