𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝗇𝗂𝗇𝖾 ⋯ ♡ᵎ

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"Where's Chifuyu?"

"He got grounded." Y/n said, looking over to Baji who sat next to her on the bench. He saw her at the park alone so he decided to keep her company. Not like he felt bad but he actually felt drawn to be next to her.

"Again?! What'd he do this time?!"

"I don't know, he was probably to embarrassed to say.." she said, she was speaking as if she were tired like she hasn't slept all night. "Oh okay..are you hungry? I was going to pass by to the corner store for a snack, I can get you one if you'd like." he said.

"No it's fine-"

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah! I was just about to head home either way." she stretched her arms, both of them standing up and facing each other. "I'll see you at school then. Bye!" Baji then walked passed her, in the corner of his eyes, she waved goodbye.

He took a few steps forward before turning around, he opened his mouth to say something to her but when he was going to speak, she was gone. "Where did she go..?" he mumbled, his eyes moving around to see where she went but Y/n wasn't in sight.


"She just disappeared like a ghost!"

"Y/n's not a ghost though..she's real Baji." Chifuyu glanced at his best friend as if he were dumb- which he is. "But I turned around for one second and then boom! She's gone!"

"Maybe she just doesn't like you." Chifuyu shrugged his shoulders. "Who doesn't like you?" her voice startled the two boys as she sat down next to Chifuyu, setting her lunch tray in front of her. "You! Do you like me?" Baji said right to her.

"I mean I guess-"

"What?! It's a yes or no!" Baji cried out, staring right at her and waiting for Y/n to answer. "No, you're pretty rude! You said you were going to get me something and then you left!" she faked a tear, Chifuyu's jaw dropping as he looked over to Baji who was in distress.

"Liar! You were the one who left-"

"Baji why would you leave a girl alone?!" Chifuyu held her by his arms, she glanced at Baji, watching him try to defend himself. "What?! She was the one who left!" Baji gasped as he saw her stick her tongue out at him.

"She's the one lying! Chifuyu! You know I would never lie!"

"Says the one who lies!"

"You're killing me!" Baji dropped his head, letting out a groan before eating his food. "Damn, you're really hungry huh-" she said, watching him stop to pick up his tray and walk away. She then laughed, stood up from her seat and followed him.

"I'm joking!" she nudged his arm with hers. He looked over to her, watching her smile before turning away. 'They just left me?!' Chifuyu's jaw dropped. 'And I introduced them to each other! If they ever start dating, I want the credits for it!'

"Yeah whatever." he sighed. "Can I ask you something?" he said, looking at her seriously as she fixed her posture, scared as to what he was going to say next. "Yeah sure, what is it?" she asked, waiting for him to reply back.

"Are you a ghost?"

"Huh?! Why would you think that?! I'm real!" she said, glaring into his eyes as she placed her arm on her shoulder. "See! You can see me! Everyone can see me! Why would you think that?!" he could hear the saddened tone in her voice and regretting his words until she started laughing.

"You're weird Baji."

"As if."

"You are though! You're always asking random questions and you still manage to make my heart race!" she continued to laugh, knowing what she said as she hoped her laughter would make him brush it off. "They're not random questions!" and it did, sort of.

"Oh they're actually serious questions.." she mumbled. "Yes!?" he then side eyed her and watched her glance back and forth at him. "So you're just a natural dummy?" she whispered to him.




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