𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝖾𝗅𝖾𝗏𝖾𝗇 ⋯ ♡ᵎ

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"I think she's ignoring me..and I don't like it."

"Baji..?" Chifuyu gasped, eyeing him. "What? I don't like being ignored! Does she ignore you?" Baji said, crossing his arms and his legs. "No."

"What?! That's because she likes you then! I don't think she likes me-" he said as the door opened, revealing Y/n in her comfortable clothes. "Who doesn't like you?" she asked since she heard the last part of his sentence. "It's no one! But why are you here?" Chifuyu said.

"I was bored at home, there was nothing to do so I thought "Oh i'm going to go to Chifuyu's and since it's Chifuyu's then maybe Baji could be there to." And here you both are." she said, pointing to the both boys as they stared at her awkwardly. "If you want me to leave I can go-"

"No! It's fine! You can stay!" Baji said before Chifuyu could open his mouth. "Oh okay." was all she said before taking Peke J in her arms and petting him. "So me and Baji were just planning to stay here for the rest of the day, I think some of our friends are coming as well."

"The ones who were running up and down the stairs?"

"The who-" and that exact moment the door swung open, revealing a group of boys, all of them lined up behind the doorway. "Yeah..come into my room!" Chifuyu's sarcastically said as they all looked at Y/n.

"Who are you?" the blonde boy said, Y/n looking at him as she met his eyes. "Who are you?" she asked him. "Mikey. Who are you?"

"Y/n. It's nice to meet you Mikey." the two glanced at each other before he gave her a look then glancing down to her hands which were holding Peke J. "She's cool." Mikey said, causing them to sweat drop as the other two came inside, one with lilac hair and the other with a singular blonde braid.

"So how do you know Chifuyu and Baji?" Mitsuya said, sitting down next to her. "We have the same class, that's all. It's nice to meet you uh.." she looked at Mitsuya and Draken. "I'm Mitsuya." he said. "I'm Draken."


"So Y/n do you like candy?" a sudden question from Mikey as she nodded her head. "Cool. What kind?" he asked her. "The sweet ones." she said, making him nod his head. "Me too."

'Where is this conversation even going..?'

"So are the rest of them coming or is it just you guys?"

"There's more?" Y/n said, looking at Chifuyu then around his room, trying to figure out where the rest of them is going to fit. "Do you want me to leave? I can go if you want." she said, making Chifuyu shake his head. "No it's fine stay- Why are you already walking out the door?!"

"Oh, are you sure-"

"Since when did you losers have a girlfriend?" they all looked over to the boy with pink hair. "Oh no i'm not their girlfriend, neither of them." she said quickly. "Figured." was all he said as they glared at Smiley. She looked over to the boy standing behind Smiley, waving to him as he waved back. "This is Smiley and he's Angry."

"Hi! It's nice to meet you all!" she said to them again, smiling as well before sitting back down next to Baji. They all started to talk among each other, all having a pair as Y/n looked around, watching them all freely speak to the other person.

"Y/n." he called out her name, she then turned to him, wondering what he was going say next. "Yeah?" she said, looking him right in the eye. "Oh well uh I was kinda thinking about you- Not like in a "like" type of think but uh just a friend way and I was kinda worried? About you?" he said, sounding as if he were questioning himself.

"For what?"

"Oh well..I was thinking about how strange you act- not that you're weird or anything but it's just a bit new..to me." he said, glancing back at her and his hands as she chuckled. "It's alright and i'm fine, no need to worry about me. I'm all good."

"You sure?"

"I'm positive." she gave him a thumbs up as he nodded his head. "Can I tell you something?" he said, turning to her. "Go ahead."

"Sometimes I feel like i'm dreaming, like uh I feel lighter and sometimes my days come out as a blur to me." he started to say, playing with his fingers. "But it's only when i'm with- never mind..it's embarrassing to say outlaid.." he mumbled and hiding his face from her and looking out the window.

"Me too. Only with you."


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