𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝗍𝖾𝗇 ⋯ ♡ᵎ

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"She's not here today! She hasn't been here for a week!"

"Yeah, I noticed that..do you know why?" Baji asked Chifuyu, the blonde boy shrugging his shoulders. "Do you like her? You've been worried about her lately." Chifuyu said, catching Baji off guard as he quickly shook his head.

"No! She probably just has some family thing going on."

"Probably, sometimes she does this. Come to school all good then miss a week or two. I'm starting to think it's personal." Chifuyu stretched his arms, looking around the classroom. "Hey, can I ask you something?" Chifuyu said to Baji, watching him lift his head up from his desk. "Yeah what is it?"

"Does she ask you weird questions? Like uh..sort of her future? The other day she asked me if I wanted to get married..and of course I said yeah! Then she was like "I wish I could marry someone," she said in a whisper but I heard her. I think it's probably something with her health.."

"But she seems fine! Like really fine!"

"That doesn't mean anything!" he sighed. "We can go to her place later on, let's see if she's there."


"This is it?"

"Yup!" the two walked to the front door, knocking on it as they waited for someone to come and open it. "Maybe no ones home, I mean..no one's in the driveway." Baji said, looking over to the side as he caught a curtain move in the corner of his eyes. Then the door opened, revealing Y/n in her school clothes.

"Y/n! Where were you?"

"At school? I've been at school and I just got home." the two looked at her with shocked faces. "There's no way you were at school..we looked everywhere for you!" Chifuyu stepped closer to her. "Hm? What do you mean..? We were together this whole time?"


"Yeah! We ate lunch, went to class together and walked home two days ago." she said as Chifuyu lookked back at Baji, searching for answers but Baji only shrugged his shoulders. "I must have bad memory then..okay! We'll see you later!"

"Maybe she's ignoring us?" Baji whispered to Chifuyu as they started walking in the sidewalk. "But she literally just said she was with us a few days ago! No we weren't!" Chifuyu placed his hands on his head. "Maybe you're just sleepy, you said you haven't been getting enough sleep lately."

"It's probably that but you know we haven't seen her!"

"I'm sleepy too! When I get home i'm taking a nap!"

"How does that even correlate to what I was saying?!"


"Baji! You fell asleep during class." she said, sitting in front of him as he rubbed his eyes. "Is it over? I was hoping that i'd sleep and I wouldn't have to do anything.." he mumbled, hearing her laugh as she shook her head.

"No you have an essay to do and it's due tomorrow." she said, sliding the piece of paper to him as his jaw dropped. "I did some for you." she smiled lightly, making his heart flutter. "Can you do the rest?"


"Worth a shot..Anyways, are you coming with me and Chifuyu? We're meeting up with our friends later on, wanna come?" he said, both of them standing up as she nodded her head. "I don't mind as long as they don't mind."

"They don't mind." he had a smile on his face. The the two then exited out of the school and going to where Baji and his friends were going to meet up. The walk there was quiet, both enjoying the silence and the few background noises that they were passing by.

"It's across the street." he said, pointing over to the bakery just across from them. "Oh okay-" her eyes then caught something moving, her eyes going towards the street as she saw a child run, chasing the ball that was bouncing against the ground. "Hey! Wait up!" she looked both ways, seeing that a car was coming towards the child as she quickly made her way to the kid and picked him up in her arms. Baji didn't even notice the quick movement until the sound of screeching tires echoed.

"Keisuke! Wake up! Go to your room and sleep!" his mother shook him awake as he sat up and looking around his apartment before letting out a huge sigh and dropping himself back on the couch. "Had a bad dream?" she asked, watching his eyes move to her as he slowly bopped his head.

"Just a bad dream.."


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