𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝖾𝗂𝗀𝗁𝗍 ⋯ ♡ᵎ

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A few days passed and Halloween was getting closer and closer, the three were at Chifuyu's apartment, all huddled up in his room because they all decided last minute to change their costumes.

"I was thinking-" Chifuyu said, his door opening as his mother glanced at each of them. "Chifuyu, you mind helping me out in the kitchen?" she said, he nodded his head before standing up and exiting out of his room, leaving the two alone to think about what costumes they were going to wear now.

"I was thinking we could go as..actually nevermind..I don't know." Baji sighed, resting his chin on the palm of his hand, glancing at her while she was drawing hearts on the blank piece of paper she had in front of her. "I say we just dress up as clowns and scare little kids for their candy." she said, making his eyes widened at the idea.

"I like you." Baji said without thinking, causing her to choke on her spit. "Thank you.." she hid her face away from him. He wondered why all of a sudden she was acting so shy, tilting his head as his hair fell to his side, a small pout on his face before realizing what he said. "I didn't mean it like that! I mean we barely even know each other!"

"You now got it?! And I know that!" she looked up at him, watching his cheeks reddened as he was now hiding his face. "Just forget about it, it's not that serious anyways." she said, causing him to look back at her. "It is serious! What if Chifuyu-" Baji caught a certain cat in the corner of his eyes looking right at him. He then scooted closer to Y/n, bringing his hand up to over his mouth.

"What if Chifuyu hears us? And even worse..Peke J?" Baji whispered to her as she looked at him, hoping he was joking about the cat but the look on his face was more than serious. "You're actually serious..? You think a cat will tell Chifuyu what you said?" she said back to him before reaching her hands over to Peke J, picking the cat up in her arms and pretending it was her.

"Go on Baji, tell me what you said again?" she moved Peke J's arms to mimic her, along with a voice change as Baji bursted out laughing, causing her to irk. "What?! Don't make fun of me!" she said, glaring at him as he kept laughing. "Why'd you do that?! You even changed your voice!"

"To show how dumb you sound!" she hugged Peke J, rolling her eyes at Baji before the door opened, revealing Chifuyu with bags of chips. "I got chips." he said, looking over to the two before sitting down next to Y/n. "Why is he laughing?" Chifuyu whispered over to Y/n.

"He's just dumb that's all."

"I'm not!"

"You can't spell simple words Baji.." Chifuyu said, Y/n feeling a bit offended. "I can't either! Sometimes I mix up the letters!" she said. "I bet you can't even spell a big word, can ya?" she crossed her arms and looked over to both boys.

"Can you?" they said at the same time. "Shut up! Now what are we wearing for Halloween?"

"I was thinking scary ghost." Baji said. "You're scary enough, I think if you walk around, some kids'll scream." she said, petting Peke J's head as Baji scoffed. "Like your idea was any better."

"You were the one who agreed to it!"

"What was it?" Chifuyu asked. "Dressing up as clowns and scaring kids for their candy." Y/n answered. "Oh that sounds fun- hold on i'll be right back!" he then left the room again, leaving the two glaring at each other before Y/n sighed.

"I asked Chifuyu this but i'll ask you." she suddenly said, catching his attention. "Do you ever dream of getting married?" she said, glancing over to Baji who shrugged his shoulders. "I mean thats years ahead but..yeah I guess." he mumbled. "Me too, but I know I won't be able to." her response made him question, about to ask why before Chifuyu had came in and spoke before he could open his mouth.

"Mom gave me a red nose!"

"Wasn't that from Christmas? You were a rain deer."

"Stop bringing up the past!"


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