𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝗈𝗇𝖾 ⋯ ♡ᵎ

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"So do you go to our school or what?"

"Mhm, class two." Y/n said, crossing her legs as Peke J ran over to her and laid down on her lap, making her smile. His room door then opened, revealing his mother. "Keisuke- oh L/n! What are you doing here?"

"I came with Chifuyu, I didn't know he was your son! Though I see the similarities now." Y/n said, looking at his mother and Baji while the two boys were confused on how they knew each other. "She helps me around the hospital." his mother said as the boys nodded.

"So you just help?" Baji asked, glancing over to Y/n as she nodded. "I help the nurses like your mom, sort of like a nurse in training." she said, looking at Baji. "I should get going, it was nice meeting you Baji!" Y/n waved him goodbye as Chifuyu stood up, giving him a wave as well while Baji followed the two out.

"Wait Chifuyu, can I talk to you?" Baji asked, Y/n and Chifuyu turning back around as Chifuyu nodded before telling Y/n to wait for him outside. "Uhh what is it?" Chifuyu said as Baji pointed to Y/n.

"Is she your girlfriend?"

"Nope! Just a friend."

"Oh." Baji's eyes widened, looking at the blonde as he laughed. "Is that what you wanted to ask me?" Chifuyu said as Baji nodded. "You're weird, anyways, see you tomorrow!" Chifuyu soon left the apartment as he saw Y/n still waiting for him.

"I can walk home by myself." she said as Chifuyu shook his head. "I'll walk with you." he said back while she let out a small laugh. "You sure?"



"You ever tried letting your hair down Baji? You look totally different from when I saw you yesterday." Y/n said, looking at Baji who had his short hair tied and slicked back as her and Chifuyu sat down in front of him, both grabbing their lunches.

"Yeah but this'll help me get smarter!"

"Maybe..Maybe not." she laughed at him as he rolled his eyes. "Your glasses aren't going to help either-"

"You accidentally almost killed your cat."

"I left the stove on on accident!" she glared at Chifuyu who laughed. "Chifuyu reads romance books before bed." she exposed the blonde as his face turned red from embarrassment while Baji laughed.

"You can't tell him that! He's gonna bother me about it for the rest of my life!" Chifuyu glared back at her as they soon had a staring contest, leaving Baji wondering what the two were doing. "Anyways, I have to go talk to my teacher..she's gonna call my mom if I don't go to her class." Chifuyu stood up, taking his lunch with him before he left the two alone.

"He really reads romance mangas? I came to his room before and didn't see any." Baji said, watching his best friend leave before his eyes averted towards her. "He hides them! I caught him in the act, I forgot my books in his room so I went back to get them and then when I opened his door, he was taking the mangas from the box in his closet!"

"In his closet?"

"Mhm." she laughed, her fork picking at her food as she had a smile on her face. "I also saw him at the book store! When he's embarrassed he looks so cute!" she said.

"Do you like him or something?"

"Me? No? I don't tend to fall in love, for me, it's a waste of time." he heard her say, he watched the smile on her face slowly fade away as he felt like she wanted to say more. "You?" she asked before he came out of his daze. "Same here."

"Hm. Guess we have something in common." her smile formed again as he nodded, his finger twirling around a string of his hair. "I don't have a cat but cats come into my room." he said, staring off, away from her and in the corner of his eyes he could see her stand up. He watched her go around the table and sit next to him.

"Chifuyu told me before we met, said it's a cat hotel basically." she let out a laugh as he laughed as well. "Yeah." he said as he turned his body to face her, feeling a bit more comfortable to talk to her now.

"I kinda named them, there's this black one that I call Missy because she's sort of a bitch and reminds me of my aunt, a grey one I call..uh Grey because I couldn't think of another name for him." he said, feeling a bit embarrassed as she laughed. "And this white one who I call Snowy..because her fur reminds me of snow.."

"Those are cute names!" she tried to cheer him up as he rolled his eyes. "For a five year old boy to name!" he said while she smiled. "You named them since you were five?" she asked as he nodded.

"Since they were kittens. Sometimes they sleep in my room on my shelves, that's why they're empty and they only like this specific type of food so I can't buy any other type." he said, letting out a small laugh. "I also um have this crate filled with all their toys, they all have their own toys so they don't go and get the others."

"Aw! That's cute."

"Mhm-" he was interrupted by the bell as the two realized they spent their time talking instead of eating their lunch. "Ah shit..Mom's gonna get mad that I didn't eat her lunch.." Baji sighed. "Sorry about that, guess we should've ate first." she said as she stood up.

"It's fine, see you around L/n."

"See you Baji."


i can't paste the link for the playlist but here's the name for it!

"irreplaceable !" the display name should be "sid <3" with a kokonoi pfp on spotify !!


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