𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝖿𝗈𝗎𝗋 ⋯ ♡ᵎ

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"One please!"

"Make it two." she turned around to see Baji right next to her as she gave him an odd look. "Are you going to pay for it? And I didn't know you liked to go to bakeries. Getting something for your mom?" she asked him after telling the cashier to take out his order as he froze.

"Well uh yeah..I was uh..I give up." he sighed as she shook her head and paying for her order. "I saw you walk in here and I didn't know what to say." he said, watching her take her food as he felt his stomach tighten from the emptiness. "You can have half and you should've just said hi."

She sat down at the closest table as he sat on the chair in front of her. "Well hi." he said as she laughed. "You're cute. Do you have a girlfriend?" she smiled at his as a small blush formed on his cheeks. "No, i'm not interested in a relationship." he said.

"Hm? Really? There's so many girls in school that talk about you, it doesn't flatter you?" she asked him, wanting to know the reason as to why he wasn't interested as he sighed. "Most of them don't know I strip people naked and beat their asses because they took the last bag of candy.." he started to whisper as she bursted out laughing.

"I'm sorry! I just can't really imagine that!" she held her stomach while he let out a laugh from her reaction, scooting his chair closer to her. "Chifuyu does it too! Can you imagine that?!" he said as she froze, thinking about it before giving him an answer. "Actually..yeah." she mumbled while a shocked expression formed on his face.

"We don't really know each other well, i've only seen you in the halls and you seem pretty nice..except for that time you punched a dude but that was the only time i've heard on you." she said, picking at her food before she started to eat. "So you think Chifuyu has the capability to strip someone naked and beat them up but not me?"

"Yeah." she said after swallowing her food and passing the tray over to him. "I've seen Chifuyu strip up a dude naked and beat him up before, that's how we met." she said, laughing at the memory as he nodded. "So if I go strip a dude naked a beat him up, would you believe me now?" Baji said, trying to convince her as he took the tray and started to eat.

"Maybe but I already had plans in mind." she said, her aura changing as Baji slightly flinched. "What is it..?" he carefully asked, covering his mouth as he was chewing.

"Ding dong ditch."

"Really?!" his eyes lit up as she nodded. "Mhm, I was planning to go with Chifuyu but he said that he's grounded and now that you're here, we can go together!" she said, taking the tray from him. "We can go after we finish eating." he told her. "Mhm. I was thinking the same."

The two agreed on a nearby neighborhood, one that was close by and with a lot of old people. After they had finish eating, they started walking down the direction of the place and soon hit the first house on the street. The two agreed to take turns one after the other, Baji were to go first and then Y/n.

"Hurry up!" she said, laughing as she watched him loudly knock on the door before he quickly ran back to her. The door had opened, revealing a mother who watched the two run away before she sighed and headed back inside. Y/n then went to the next door, walking closer to the front door and knocking repeatedly then ran back to Baji while they laughed.

"Hey! Get back here!" the old man said, glaring at the two fourteen year olds as they ran away. "I'm calling the cops!" he grumbled, getting his phone and calling the number while they kept laughing and went down the row of houses.

"This is so much fun!" Y/n said, catching her breath as she leaned herself against the brick wall while Baji did the same, copying her pose and holding his stomach. "Yeah! wanna do the neighborhood next-" he started to say until the two heard police sirens from behind them.

"Aw already?" Y/n mumbled. "We can just make a run for it!" Baji said, grabbing her hand and dragging her down the sidewalk as she managed to match his pace. "You know they can drive faster than us?!" she said, glancing back at the cop car who was right behind them. "We'll get away-" Baji said until he accidentally tripped on his shoe lace, causing them to fall down as the cop car stopped in front of them.

"Mom's going to take my cats away.."


"What did I say Keisuke?! I said not to get in trouble anymore!"

"Y/n! You know better than this! Just wait until I call your father." the two mothers yelled at their two eldest children as the two sat like kittens who just got in trouble. "I'm sorry.." Baji and Y/n mumbled, their eyes set on their shoes as they heard their mothers sigh.

"I'm sorry about her, she never ever gets in trouble." M/n said to Baji's mother, shaking her head at her daughter as she crouched down to meet Y/n's eye level. "It's fine, usually at work she behaves." his mother said.

"Come on, let's go home." M/n took Y/n by her arm and walking towards her car as Baji's mother did the same. "We can do this again!" Baji said, laughing before he was smacked on the head. "No you won't!" Y/n laughed, nodding her head.



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