Chapter 13

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---Liam's POV---

It was impossible to look at the man that was holding me but I felt slightly comforted, knowing that Marcus was here with me. My eyes flittered through the woods before glancing back at the wolf I held, growling lowly.

"Nah-uh, be a good kitten and drop him." I shivered slightly at the whisper in my ear but grumbled at that damned nickname. I'm not a kitten. As a result, I only snarled and pressed down harder, flattening the wolf until it let out a soft whine, attempting to roll on its back.

I allowed the motion but held my jaws securely around his throat until the wolf was on its back, paws slightly pushing against my stomach. He seemed to push me back slightly, as if telling that he wasn't going to run away at all and that I was overreacting.

"You see? Simon isn't going anywhere love." The man behind me murmured, using his hold on my throat to gently coax me away from the wolf underneath me. My tail flickered in mild irritation, slapping against the man's powerful thighs.

He merely chuckled and petted through my fur, which unconsciously made me purr while arching into his touch. A second pair of hands joined in on the first, confusing me slightly as I reopened my eyes to come face to face with an unknown male.

I was nearly in its lap as he petted through the thicker fur of my stomach, smiling up at me with familiar green eyes freckled with gold. Clearly the wolf had shifted back but I didn't quite understand why he was petting me.

A rumbling growl echoed through Simon's chest as he sat up while the man behind me didn't move a muscle. "Come on kitten, shift back. We aren't going to harm you." He coaxed, his deep voice making me shiver as the wolf, Simon, chuckled softly before sighing.

Somehow without my personal consent, my body shifted on its own accord and I was more than shocked when I was suddenly squished between two men. Simon was smiling up at me and teasingly traced his fingers over my clenching stomach while the man behind me chuckled and nuzzled my neckline.

My eyes closed on their own, forgetting the world, my brother watching along with the pack as these two males were making me feel things I've never felt before. The only thing I could feel where the two muscular frames pressed up tightly against me, their scents swirling and driving me mad.

At their sizzling touch, my breathing hitched while my heart started pounding away as I shivered, curious to see what they were going to do. I was getting excited when I felt hands roaming my chest and reaching up to tangle in my hair while another, bigger pair of hands were rubbing down my abs and coming dangerously close to my groin.

It wasn't until I let out a small groan and felt their own obvious excitement, along with breath panting against both my shoulders that my eyes flashed open. Simon was nuzzling my left shoulder while the unknown male was fixed on my right. My mouth dropped when I felt a sharp, stinging sensation along with Simon's words when he looked up to the other male.

"Dante? You're-"

The confusion along with the bombardment of sensations was too much and in one swift move, I shifted and managed to pry out of their arms, instantly dashing up the nearest tree.

As soon I was settled on the thick branch high off the ground, I turned around and flicked my tail, hissing with annoyance. Both Dante and Simon were staring up at me, Simon slightly pouting while his pretty golden green eyes flashed with both hurt and happiness.

My eyes roamed over the wolf's body and I was unable to stop the little purr that rumbled through my chest as I laid down on the branch. Simon seemed to preen under my visual appreciation of him, grinning brightly as he straightened up.

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