Chapter 19

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---Alec's POV---

I drummed my fingers over the table, feeling annoyed and anxious at the same time. Marcus was still on his way and judging by the soft snores coming from the bed, I doubted that Liam was going to wake up anytime soon.

Fingers curled in my hair, scratching gently down to the nape of my neck before giving a reassuring squeeze. I gave Nate a tense smile, purring as he simply lifted me up before placing me in his lap. His mere presence was enough to sooth my nerves and calm me down, but still...

My eyes flitted over towards the bed, a soft smile curling my lips at the sight of the vampire that handled my brother like a treasure. Dante didn't want to leave his mates, yet didn't want anyone touching them either, so moving them to one of the houses was out of the question.

Instead, Dante had opted to keep the meeting with just my brothers and our mates and was now busy making sure that both Liam and Simon were tucked in properly. The pair of them were cuddling in the middle of the bed, snoring softly.

Dante grinned, pressing a kiss to Liam and Simon's temple before covering them both up. As soon as he turned to us though, his eyes hardened and his entire expression became serious. His eyes flashed red when the door squeaked open but he relaxed as Marcus closed the door behind him, his eyes burning golden.

"What did you find?" Marcus asked, going quick to the point. Dante's expression grew even more serious, if that was even possible, before he sighed deeply. "A group of wolves popped up in town, asking around for you three specifically. What's most concerning is that they know you by name."

I gulped, pushing back against Nathan and quite thankful that he was there for me. How in the hell did some unknown wolves know our names? It was simply impossible... We didn't have any real enemies and no one has ever seen us shift before.

Why were there people chasing us?

Marcus sighed deeply, sitting down as he rubbed at his face tiredly. I've never seen my older brother like this. He was our leader, our guidance. He always knew what to do. Yet now he seemed to be confused, unsure what the next course of action would be.

I gulped when I realized that we usually avoided any confrontation with hostile wolves. If someone showed their displeasure with our presence, we left. But... I glanced at Liam wrapped around Simon before looking up to my own mate.

We can't leave, right? Our mates are here! It would tear us all apart, to be pulled away from our mates like this. My eyes flitted over to Marcus, feeling slightly guilty at my thoughts. Here I sat in the warm embrace of my mate, flaunting our bond while Marcus hasn't found his yet...

"So...What do we do?" I tentatively asked, feeling my stomach quiver as Nathan let out a deep, rumbling growl. His arms tightened around my stomach, hot breath blasting against my throat as he bit "You're not leaving. None of you are. You're family and we will protect you."

I turned my face to the side, reassuring him with a deep kiss, moaning softly when he quickly dominated my mouth. He told me everything I needed to hear at that moment.

Dante nodded solemnly, eying his two mates on the bed as he inhaled deeply. "I can have my friends keep an ear out, to try and find out whom exactly is trying to find our mates. Whoever it is doesn't seem to be hiding, which is disturbing to say the least."

Marcus snarled at that, brushing his hand through his hair and making me frown. Marcus was always the calm and collected one. For him to lash out like this, something serious must be going on.

His eyes flitted to me before he attempted to smile and shook his head. Yet I frowned at him, crossing my arms in front of my chest as I realized something.

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