Chapter 5

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Just to let you guys know....have you seen the tag of MxM to the side? You know that means man on man action? Yes, no problems with that? xD Then enjoy this chapter ;) Let's hope wattpad doesn't place it on private :p


---Alec's POV---

Shivers coursed through my body with each breath that skimmed the bared skin of my throat. Nathan was still standing right behind me and tantalizingly close, almost touching with every breath he took.

My fingers that had been slowly tracing the bedframe stopped, my eyes flitting to the side as I anticipated his next move. His breath skittered over my cheek, creating small sparks of awareness in my lower stomach as I realized just how close Nathan was.

And what we meant to each other.

It felt like we were silently communicating, curiously prodding and testing to see where the other's limits laid as Nathan's lips hovered just above the crook of my neck. The words of that other Lycan popped in my head as I realized that Nathan was quite possibly fighting his Lycan back to mark and mate me.

A soft chuckle escaped me at that. Wasted effort if you ask me, since I wasn't too shy to accept the opportunity. He's my mate after all! I slowly spun on my heels so our noses softly brushed against each other, a smile curling on my lips as I lifted my hands up, trailing a finger up his shirt as I eyed him teasingly.

His scent swirled around us, captivating and luring me closer until all I wanted to do was purr and rub myself all over him like a big cat. Hmmmm.... not such a bad idea, really.

Since Nathan wasn't doing anything but staring down at me, I decided to lean forwards, pressing my chest against his while balancing on the tips of my toes before I rubbed my cheek against him. His low, warning growl made me shiver but other than that, I wasn't affected in the slightest.

With a smile stuck on my face, I reached up to take his earlobe in my mouth, nibbling and suckling on the soft skin before I tugged it teasingly. Nathan's arms caged me against his form as he growled again, louder this time as he nuzzled the skin of my throat.

My fingers had a mind of their own as they slipped over the wide span of his shoulders, tracing the corded muscles all the way down to the dip in his lower back. I could feel his muscles tensing under the tips of my fingers, forcing me to hide my smile against his cheek.

Come on know you want to.

As if hearing my thoughts, a pair of strong hands palmed my ass and yanked me closer against his body. Before I could chuckle or make a remark, my lips were already claimed by Nathan's in a passionate kiss.

Hmmm...that wolf can kiss.


I blinked hazily at Nathan's rough voice, blinking as I realized he had stopped our hot kiss and held me against the door, his hips cradled between mine and our arousals teasingly rubbing against the other.

"You, Alec, are going to be the death of me. I want to give you the chance to wait, to get to know each other before we take it this far but if you keep pushing me like this-" I stopped his useless monologue by placing my finger on his plump lips, smiling slightly when I felt a tiny growl trembled through the sensitive skin.

"I know what I want Nathan and that is to be with my mate. We have years to learn every little thing about one another and tease each other to no end." A teasing spark lid up in my eyes as I glanced up at him through my lashes, grinning as I saw his own eyes darken with a deep hunger and need, his Lycan just beneath the surface.

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