Chapter 17

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Beware of nosebleed ;)

---Liam's POV---

I could feel my feline growing restless as I watched the two prime specimen of male, kissing inches away from my face while I was squished between them. Their hands were wandering over my body, groping and teasing. One pair strong and certain, going boldly for whatever he wanted while the other pair liked to pause and make me quiver in need.

My mind could hardly detect the difference between Simon and Dante's hands, but judging from the smug smirk that slipped on Simon's lips while he withdrew from Dante's lips to seductively lick his lips, he was the one who loved to tease me.

A gasp escaped my lips as I felt both their lengths throb against me, Simon eagerly grinding against my ass while Dante leaned back to watch the show with hooded eyes. Judging from the muffled growls and the way Simon seemed obsessed with my neck and throat, his wolf was very much alive and taking charge.

And why is that turning me on so much?!

I gasped and arched my back as Simon's teeth gently dug into my skin, being careful not to bite all the way through as he let out a low, rumbling growl. His wolf was feeling the need to mark and my feline was letting out its own growl.

"If he's gonna bite, I'll bite back!" I chocked back a laugh at my cat's thoughts before purring when Simon's body pressed all up against mine. His hands were roaming over my chest, pinching at my nipples while his hips thrusted forwards.

Dante was smirking widely as his fingers rubbed soothing circles on my hipbones, a teasing glint in his eye as he slipped further down and-

"Oh fuck!" I hissed, staring wide-eyed as Dante's lips enveloped the tip of my throbbing length before sucking me all the way in his hot mouth. Moans started to slip past my lips as Dante's hands firmly kept my hips from moving while he bobbed up and down on my length while Simon's hand was venturing to my buttcheeks.

My hands flew to the headboard of the bed as I was almost desperate to thrust forwards, to get more pleasure out of Dante's wicked mouth. His tongue was tracing my hardness, his eyes glinting in delight before they flicked to Simon and gave him a wink.

Hmmm....more...please let there be more!

Simon's fingers teasingly rubbed against my clenched muscle, almost pushing enough to get in but holding back at the last second until I was tempted to whine in frustration. It must've been what Simon was waiting for because as soon as that little sound slipped past my lips, his fingers were pressing in until he was knuckle deep.

My fingers dug into his thighs as Simon chuckled lowly, nuzzling my ear before he murmured, " You feel good kitten. Can't wait to properly mate you." Instead of growling at being the bottom, I turned my head and grabbed the back of his neck, claiming his lips in a hungry kiss.

I nipped at his lips and sucked at his tongue when it slipped in my mouth before I drew back, smiling widely. "Just so you know, I am going to return the favor." His green eyes considerably darkened at that before he grinned back and shoved his hips forwards, making me gasp out loud when Dante groaned around my length.

Now I was feeling on edge, being pleasured on both sides as Dante hummed at every drop of precum I produced while Simon was lowly growling, panting against my cheek as he added more fingers to spread me open.

"So good..." I whispered, feeling them both shiver against my body before Dante released my cock after one last lick and sat back up, grabbing his own throbbing length in hand and gave it a tempting squeeze.

My eyes were transfixed on Dante's fist as it clenched and moved over his length while Simon's hand circled around to grab at my shoulder, a shiver racing up my body when I felt his hot flesh pressing against my arse.

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