Chapter 22

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---Marcus' POV---

The room was quiet except for our steady panting as we drew in gasps of air, sweat trickling over our faces and dull pain webbing through our backs. I turned my head on my pillow with a great bit of effort and smirked, seeing Killian panting as he stared at the ceiling with a dreamy expression.

A satisfied smirk curled over my lips as my eyes dipped lower, eying the deep purple hickeys before I managed a tired chuckle, limbs still trembling on an orgasmic high after our last round.

Killian chuckled along with me, groaning as he attempted to roll on his side and failed. He admitted defeat and stayed where he was sprawled beside me.

"Never again. I'm not letting you out of my sight for one single minute." Killian panted, turning his head to look me in the eye. I could see the promise in his eyes, the way golden flecks danced in their dark depths to show his Lycan agreed.

A huff of laughter escaped me, "So what, you're going to follow me to the bathroom if I need to take a leak?" Killian barked with laughter, grunting in pain when his muscles protested against the movement but he couldn't stop himself.

"I'll be able to restrain myself and give you that privacy, my heart." He replied dryly, chuckling softly as we both managed to catch our breathing.

"We didn't break the bed. Alec will be disappointed."

Killian smirked at that, reaching out a hand to trace from my jaw down to my nipple, teasing it between his fingers.

"Ah, but the night is still young darling." He chuckled at my low growl when he rolled over with great effort, placing a kiss on my lips before sighing, resting his forehead against mine.

Our trembling limbs tangled effortlessly, inner animals sighing in total contentment as we laid wrapped in one other's embrace.

I could still remember the steady aches I felt ever since having to leave Killian, the nightmares that troubled my sleep and the overall lethargy that threatened me on a daily basis.

But that was in the past; Killian was here and he wasn't going anywhere unless he took me with him. Though that thought caused other problems as well and I glanced at my mate to find him smiling warmly towards me.

"My heart, you shouldn't worry so much." He murmured softly, nuzzling against me and sighing with joy as my tiger quickly started to purr.

His fingers carded through my hair, nails softly scratching my scalp as he sighed warmly and nuzzled closer. "You honestly expect me to pull you away from your siblings?"

I huffed against his throat and shook my head before arching it against his hand when he stopped the petting. Killian chuckled warmly and continued under my tiger's insisting before I spoke softly.

"Not at all, love. It's just..."

"I'm the leader of my family and you were thinking about my duties." Killian added when I struggled for a way to formulate my thoughts. I nodded happily and chuffed when Killian's nose nudged my own.

A low, content grumble vibrated through Killian's chest, twisting and turning until I was laying on his chest with a sigh of joy.

"My heart, do remember that I vowed to you, that you would forever be my everything. The pack and my family, I lived with them for centuries on my own, yet I can't fantom to spend a single moment without you." His lips pressed tenderly against my forehead, a soft sigh rushing through my hair.

"I'm not going to put you in a position where I'm forcing you to choose, Killian." I muttered, keeping my gaze on the dimple in his cheek when his lips drew in a soft smile.

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