Chapter 21

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---Marcus' POV---

Seeing Killian after all these years made my heart ache in the funniest way. At the time I had suppressed the urge to go back and look for him, had lulled my tiger into submission by reassuring it that we were doing this for Killian's safety.

If I were to throw caution in the wind back then and return to Prague, I'd endanger not only my life but the lives of my siblings and my one true love as well.

After all, his sources had informed him that the Romanov family was gunning for me specifically. Somehow, they knew Killian and I were a mated pair and they had planned to kidnap and torture me.

An exchange of power, so to speak. My freedom for Killian's throne. And both of us knew the Romanov's were not a generous family; even if Killian had willingly denounced his rightful spot as the next ruler of Prague and the surrounding territories, they would've still killed me.

Preferably right in front of him too, just to break him and drive him mad. Perhaps they would've taken me in front of him as well, as insult to injury.

Mated pairs were stronger, and that wasn't a risk they were willing to take. They would've abducted me and have my mate grow sick from worrying before making ridiculous demands, torturing me so Killian would agree.

My tiger purred deeply as Killian nuzzled the back of my neck, growling lowly as he inhaled my scent with each breath he took.

I smiled, finding it adorable to feel him take little whiffs of my scent, rubbing his jaw and cheek against mine as if he couldn't help himself. I couldn't imagine how out of mind his Lycan had been, as the beast had taken over the first time I merely suggested parting ways, at least for his safety.

At first, he had protested vehemently, his beast cradling me in his arms, snarling and snapping at anyone getting too close. We had spent a couple of days locked in a room, pinned to the bed where he refused to leave me for even a second. But he realized that it was the only way, as we didn't know how deeply Romanovs' men had infiltrated the Romero family.

And he couldn't stand the terrifying real thought of what if...

So I had left with my brothers after Killian had given me his signature family ring and vowed to come after me as soon as he smoked out the rats. He had pledged on his soul and status that he wouldn't touch another woman or man, remain faithful for however long we were apart.

And now he was finally here. Finally I could breathe again without the sensation of having a gaping hole in my chest. If I went to bed tonight, it would be in the warm and loving embrace of my mate.

A purr rumbled through my chest, matching Killian's as he grumbled happily, teeth playfully nipping at my throat. I was impressed that he managed to keep his Lycan under control but judging from the way his muscles quivered ever so softly, that hold was strained and faltering quickly.

His fingers dug into my hips, the small pinch to them alerting me to Killian's claws that were slowly emerging. I could sense his control slipping, from the way his hands clenched and unclenched, his muscles trembling or the way his hand slowly reached down to cup my package.

The deep and satisfied growl that rumbled through his chest was enough of a warning that Killian wouldn't remain in control for much longer, so I excused us from the pack, all of whom were smirking and shooting knowing looks at one another.

A delicate sound of fabric protesting audibly as it slowly ripped was enough to send me running for the cabin, knowing that Killian would catch up without any effort. Just to be on the safe side, I shifted in my tiger, rushing through the woods as I heard Killian's paws hit the dirt.

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