Chapter 4

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---Alec's POV---
When Liam and I had separated for our hunt, it didn't came to mind that the pack might stumble on us. Sure, they could run through the woods but I thought we had more time to avoid them and lay low.

Now I was laying low alright, but I hadn't imagined that there would be a full-grown, muscular and rather possessive Lycan hovering over me. I could feel his breath rushing over my fur, messing it up while a growl rumbled through his chest.

A brown wolf wagged its tail and leapt forward with a playful yip, only to jump back with a pitiful whine slipping from its lips. Nathan had snarled and shoved it away from us, lowering himself even more so that I could feel the heat emanating from his powerful form. I couldn't move a single muscle without feeling his body pressed against mine.

I didn't mind one bit.

Liam on the other hand was staring the Lycan down, which was a rather foolish thing to do. Unable to roll my eyes in this form, I shuffled my weight on my paws, brushing my back against Nathan's chest in the process. His growl softened until it could only be described as a canine purr.

"Alec, get out from under him." Liam snapped, his face scrunched up in a snarl as he eyed the wolves warily. Instead of listening to my brother's advice, I simply rubbed my head against Nathan's throat, closing my eyes as I purred deeply.

Leafs rustled and a dry twig snapped before Marcus made his appearance as well. I happily leaned further against Nathan, enjoying the awed gasps and appreciative growls coming from our furry entourage.

They made way as Marcus strode confidently ahead, held held high and his whole stride almost regal. I tilted my head slightly as his golden eyes flitted my way before I opened my mouth, panting a bit to let off heat.

Maybe trying to outrun a pack of playful pups wasn't such a good thought...especially if it could kill me. A clawed hand sifted through my fur, stroking soothing paths over my spine without leaving as much as a scratch.

"oh fuck that feels good!"

"For goodness sake Alec, stop goading him on and shift back!" I blinked lazily, glancing at Liam as he was starting to freak out. I found it quite amusing really, especially since he was standing there as bare as a babe, giving those wolves more than an eyeful.

I chuckled hoarsely, probably sounding like I was coughing while the wolves present suddenly noticed Liam's state of undress. Some of the wolves were openly drooling, others were prancing on the spot, wanting to get closer but hesitant of Marcus' impressive tiger-form.

When Marcus shifted, I heard some of the Lycan's growl as well before there was a shared disappointed sigh of the wolves when Marcus threw Liam a pair of shorts, an extra pair for me in his hands. "Seeing that he's pinned down by his mate, that's a rather...bad idea." Marcus explained before groaning slightly when he looked at me.

I had already shifted back. Oops.

A split second later I was pressed flush against the soil, grass tickling my bare chest while the heat of bare flesh pressed against my back, along with a low, rumbling growl. Nathan's lips were a breath away from my ear, making me shiver before I purred slightly as he nipped at the base of my neck.


Of course, now my inner cat had the idea that we were going to mate, making me arch my back unintentionally and press even closer against Nathan. The pleasurable tingles of being nipped at my neck were slowly easing away, allowing me to realise that most of Nathan's pack had scattered and two, my cat had made me forget that my brothers were right in front of me.

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