CHAPTER 35: New Beginnings [✔]

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           I sighed, looking at the wide airport where the largest plane in the county is currently at right now. Mom gripped in my arms tightly, looking at me with her teary eyes.

“Mom, please don’t cry. You’re only making it hard for me to leave you two...”

“Then I’ll cry a bucket of tears if that’s what will make you stop from leaving us...”

        I faced her, then reached for her shoulder. I looked straight into her eyes before saying another word.

“This is for my own good, Mom. Think about this as my way of finding myself for a moment.”

“I know, I know. But I couldn’t help myself. We will miss you so much...”

        Dad put his arms around Mom shoulder, before smiling at me.

“Come on, Katheryn. Let’s not make this too hard for our daughter.”

“Thank you, Dad. Thank you for always supporting me... I’m going to miss the both of you there. Don’t worry, you can visit me any time if you’re free.”

“We will, Kate. Every month, or even every weekends if our schedule isn’t too tight for everyone,” Dad promised.

“I love you... But I need to go now...”

         Mom burst out into tears as I hug her as a sign of my final goodbye before I leave the county. Dad did the same, and they both waved their hands to me before I walked towards the security system. My bag needs to be checked first.

          After I gave them my luggages, I waited, before they finally returned it to me. They motioned me to the hallways where people go after the airport announced the next flight.

          As I walk with other people, I thought of one thing... And that is we are all leaving the country for different reasons. Reasons caused by our own story. And if those stories of ours could lead us to where we should be, then we will go for it.

            I climbed up the stairs of the airplane, half looking at my back to make sure that Mom and Dad aren’t going to stop me. And maybe, just maybe, I could see a final glimpse of Elijah. But that didn’t happen. He didn’t came.

         I just found myself sitting at the airplane, my luggages are fixed and stored properly above me. Since the flight hasn’t started yet, I decided to open up my email account for apparently no reason. Maybe, just maybe, someone thought about me and they decided to send me a good luck message.

          And I’m right. Because there, I saw Mom and Dad’s lengthy messages saying good luck for my journey in Paris. I smiled to myself, thinking that they’re so happy for me. I still don’t know what I’m going to do in Paris, but I think I’m going to find that out pretty much sooner or later.

          My heart skipped a beat as I saw one message coming from the person I love. The person whom I promised my forever. I was hoping to see him today, but he didn’t came. Instead, he send me a message that instantly melt my heart.

Dear Ms. Frias,

          I wanted to come and bid my final goodbye to you at the airport today but I decided not to. Because first of all, I think that it is not yet time for me to say goodbye. I believe that it’s not yet the end for the both of us. Because I promised, right? I’ll wait for you no matter what happens.

           Second, I don’t want to see you crying again, just because of me. You’ve been through a lot and if leaving the country will make you feel better, then I’m willing to sacrifice my own feelings just for you to find yourself and your true happiness. Good luck, Kate. I know you’ll do your best out there. I always believe in you.

          I know how cringe this letter is, but believe me, I cried while writing this one. I’m bad at writing love letters, you know that. I never gave you one before. But I wanted you to know that I’m not leaving. I’ll stay here, in the same exact place where you left me waiting for our story to have a continuation. I always love you, and I’ll love you more even if it will take me another decade just to see your face again.

          Thank you so much, Kate. Thank you for making me feel loved and teaching me how to love someone without any limits or boundaries. Even if it’s just for a short span of time, I will be forever thankful that you became mine even just this once.

          Sorry for all the things I’ve done to you. I can’t help but to think that I should’ve value more all of those moments that we shared together. If only I knew that it wasn’t going to last that long. But I’m happy for you, Ms. Frias. I hope you find what you’re looking for out there. Please look after and take care of yourself. This is my last message. I won’t be bothering you anymore after this. I wanted to give you what you’ve always wanted... A time and space to think things through.

        I guess this letter won’t have an end if I’ll tell you every single words that my heart has for you. But I’ll leave it here. I don’t want you to feel bad or anything. I’ll be fine, so don’t worry about me. I’ll wait for you until forever ends. Thank you so much, and I love you.

-Elijah Ramirez.

           I secretly wiped my tears away as I finished reading his letter. I wanted to reply, or maybe say something... Anything that would ease the pain of going away. But I need to do this for the sake of everyone. Besides, Elijah promised me that he’ll wait whatever happens. I’m going to hold on to that promise of him.

“Everyone, please put your seatbelts on. Our flight is going to start in five minutes,” the pilot announced.

          All the passengers did what he said same as me. I put on my seatbelt, turned off my electronic gadgets before looking out of the window. This is is. I’m finally leaving and there is no turning back right now.

          Maybe what Elijah and I had was true love... A real one. It’s not just the proper time yet and place for us to be together. Fate will be the one to decide whether we should meet each other again someday. For now, I’m going to find myself first before anything else. But his rectifying touch will stay forever in my heart.

           As our plane flew away, I looked down, seeing the airport slowly fading away in the clouds while our flight hours started to count down. I decided to get some sleep, for maybe, just maybe, it could give me a little peace of mind.

        When I woke up, the pilot is already stating that we are now landing in Paris. I couldn’t believe it, how time passes by so fast. It feels like it was only yesterday when we arrived at the Philippines, and now, I’m on France.

         After we landed, I couldn’t help but to think of the never ending possibilities and opportunities that I could find in here. Things that I should’ve done a long time ago. If only I chased my dreams before... Then maybe I already reached it now. But it wasn’t too late for everything, I guess. Now that I finally got a chance, I wouldn’t waste it anymore.

         The doors opened and the flight attendants helped us with our luggages. As I stepped out of the plane, I looked around, before I slowly climbed down of the stairs. There, I saw everything that I could do. I saw everything that I wanted to learn. Peace, away from chaos. Maybe my life is just starting yet. And this is my new beginnings. At the city of love, Paris, France.

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