CHAPTER 45: Scary History Part I [✔]

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"Tomorrow is Cloey's birthday. Darren and Claire are inviting us to have a dinner with them."

I stopped for a moment, thinking about that invitation. Would I allow past to prevent me from leaving a normal and happy life? Of course not. I will try my best to beat that horrifying history of mine. Maybe in that way, Claire and I could finally have a closure... Or maybe reconcile, even better.

"Hey..." I felt Elijah's hands on both of my shoulders.


"Would you come there with me? I promise I will be there... I won't leave your side, Kate... Never again."

I smiled at him, before tiptoeing to give him a quick smack on his lips. He chuckled, before pinching my nose.

"So, would you come with me then, Ms. Frias?"

"Sure, Elij. I will come with you."

He smiled before pulling me in for another hug before he finally bid his farewells to me. As his car drove away from our place, I still couldn't stop thinking about Cloey's birthday. I should probably give her a present tomorrow. But what should I give her? I'm not that good at buying gifts...

And so, I spent the next morning roaming around the mall to find a nice and proper gift for her. Until I saw something... Something that I know she would like. Though it's not a usual gift for a child. But yeah, I'm sure that Darren and Claire's daughter is smart enough to be able to understand the explanation on why I chose this gift for her.

After I let the cashier wrap this gift for Cloey, I eventually went home to prepare myself for our dinner tonight. Elijah will pick me up in six, so I better be early than late. I was just wondering, why do Claire didn't organized a huge party for her daughter? Her husband is a billionaire... Though I remember that Claire isn't an expensive and luxurious woman. I just smiled to myself, thinking that some people never change, indeed.

Few more moments had passed, before I heard a loud and alarming sound outside of our house. I'm pretty sure that it was Elijah. So without wasting any more seconds, I wore my shoes before climbing down the stairs. I bid my farewells to my Mom, before I went outside of our mansion. Elijah bombarded me with a wide smile plastered upon his face.

"Good evening..." I greeted him.

"Good evening, Ms. Frias. You look so stunning tonight," he stated, before wrapping his hands around my waist to give me a light hug. And then I felt his lips on my temple, gently giving it a kiss. "I love you," he whispered.

"I know, Elijah, I know. And I love you too."

He chuckled, before opening the door beside the passenger seat for me. And then he closed it after I got in, before he turned around to get inside of his car as well. We drove for about half of an hour before we arrived at our destination... The Herrera residence.

"Come, Cloey is surely waiting for us inside."

I nodded to Elijah, before taking his hand. We walked towards the main entrance of the mansion, before Elijah pushed the doorbell of their home. In just one click, it swing open, revealing Claire who's now smiling at the both of us.

"Good evening, I'm glad you made it tonight. Thanks for accepting our invitation. Cloey will surely be delighted to see you two."

"Where is she? I brought something for her," Elijah stated, proudly showing his gift for Cloey.

"Uncle Elijah!" A squeal suddenly came from the inner part of their house. In just a few seconds, a little girl running towards us came into the view. "Uncle!" Elijah lifted her up, before grinning.

"Happy birthday, dearest Cloey! Here is a present for you!"

"Thanks, Uncle Elijah!" she took the gift from him, before giving him a quick kiss on his cheeks. "Hey, lady! How are you?"

"H-Hey, Cloey. Thanks for always thinking about me. Happy birthday... Here, I brought you a present too."

"Really?! Thank you!" she beamed, before kissing my cheeks as well.

"Come inside now. Please take a seat in the living room... I'm still preparing our dinner," Claire stated, letting us in.

"Sure. Wait, where is Darren and Mr. Herrera?" Elijah curiously asked.

"Oh, Darren is still preparing himself upstairs. Mr. Herrera needs to be somewhere for work so he couldn't make it tonight."

"How about your family, Claire?" I asked, unable to contain myself from asking her a question.

Her eyes lit up as she heard me finally said something that was meant for her.

"They are still in the Canada, Kate. So, stay here for now. I will just call you after I prepared the table. Cloey, please behave, okay?"

"Yes, Mommy!"

Claire leave the scene, and so Elijah and I invited ourselves on their couch, together with Cloey, of course.

"Do you want to open your gift now?" Elijah asked her.

"Sure, Uncle Elijah. I'm so excited to see it!"

"Then open it up."

I could see a different connection between the two of them. Because of that, I can't help but to wonder how would it look like if Elijah finally became a father to our future children... I'm sure that he will be a good one.

"Wow! A Barbie doll!" Cloey exclaimed, amused by seeing his gift. "Thank you, Uncle Elijah!"

"You are welcome, baby. Now, would you want to open up your Aunt Kate's present for you?"

I instantly shook my head even though I'm not the one he is asking. I grabbed my gift from the couch, being ashamed that I chose something like this for a little kid like her.

"Why, Aunt Kate? Don't you want to give it to me anymore?" Cloey pouted her cute little lips.

"No, no, baby. I mean, I do want to give this to you... I'm just... You know, I don't think that you will like it."

"Kate..." Elijah held my hand, before motioning me to let her open it up.

"Fine, fine. Here you go, sweetheart. Happy birthday."

"Thank you!"

She slowly unwrap it, and as she finally pull it out, a confuse expression suddenly plastered upon her cute little face. Same as Elijah, who's now looking at my direction, wondering why did I gave her a journal and a pen. I knew it, maybe Cloey didn't like my present indeed.

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