Sleeping with the devil

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I couldn't really wrap my head around what had actually just happened, i'd lost my V-Card to my crush's sister...

All i now had on my mind was the party, Maybe it would be a shot to impress Josie.

Taking off my outfit, i hop in the shower.

I wince at the hot water hitting the side of my neck... the side Lizzie sort of claimed.

Hiding that was going to be a struggle, but i'm sure i'd make it work... surely right? 

I hop out the shower and wrap a towel around my waist, making my way into my room.

I had no clue on what to wear until my mind flashes back to earlier, 'Wear something tight and preferrably short'... maybe Lizzie wasn't wrong?

I search high and low through my closet, throwing random errays of clothes onto my bed and sorting through them.

Eventually coming to a short pair of shorts.. once again 'short' was an understatement, I might as well me wearing underwear.

Along with a white cropped shirt with a bow on the front.

Next focus was makeup obviously, Doing a similar look as earlier, Eyeshadow, Foundation and bright red lipstick, and sectioning my hair to flow effortlessly down my left shoulder.

Throwing on my black high top vans to complete the look.

As soon as the last shoe slipped on my foot, a loud knock was sent through my door as i practically jumped.

I rush to answer it to see my best friend.. Josie.... she looked stunning, She had a white skirt and a red shirt, she looked amazing.

Although her smile turned to confusion and eventually a smirk.

"You been having fun" Josie giggles while signalling her stare to my neck... shit i totally forgot to cover it.

"Oh this... pff its just from my hair straightener" I try lie but realise that this girl knows me better than anyone.

She rushes in closing the door behind her.

"Thats what they all say, come on lets get it covered up" Josie chuckles to herself, grabbing the concealer off my makeup stand as we both take a seat on the edge of the bed.

We were so close... her smile brightening the entire room.

Josie carefully started applying the concealer while passively agressively shouting 'Stay still' every time i winced... that thing killed like hell.

"So you going to tell me who gave you this" Josie enquires, Resting her soft hand on my shoulder.

"I'm afraid Josette, that secret will stay with me to the grave" I joke it off, in reality i knew she'd freak if she knew... besides it was clear Lizzie wasn't out, I might be mean but i don't out someone.

"No fair... what about that whole 'We tell eachother everything pact" Josie laughs it off.

"You won't know them anyway... they don't go here" I lie through my teeth, hoping it would catch her off guard.

"Did you say 'they'... damn you won't even give me the gender" Josie giggles.

What she did next was a huge shock to me, She threw her legs over my lap. Obviously this was so she could cover the 'hair straightener accident' a little better... but still i got to say... this was quite close, i felt her body on mine.

"Its a girl..." I say out of no where.

"I guessed, My Hope is too good for any boy" Josie giggles, while putting the lid on the concealer.

You'd think she'd get off my lap around about now right?

No... no she didn't.

She stayed put... taking her time to put the lid on the concealer.

"So... was it just well, a quick makeout session with this mysterious girl or was it bigger" Josie asks, surprisingly it was uncomfortable.

I don't say a word. I just dart my eyes around the room to avoid the question, eventually shooting her a quick smile which definitely aroused her suspicions.

"NO WAY... YOU-... HOPE ANDREA MIKAELSON" Josie yells in excitement.

This knocked me back, making Josie follow.

Josie's body was held up by her arms...I was helplessly on my back. she was really ontop of me right now.

No one said a word, but by the pace of her heart beat she was nervous for some reason... We both looked at one another.

I knew things had changed since we've been back... our entire dynamic was shifted, it all felt a little 'more than friends'... but i just figured that was me... as of course it was.

Josie's eyes darted up and down my body before letting out a little adorable laugh to break the silence.

We were so close... I hated to say this but i was also slightly turned on... the way she was up against me. I can't help it for fuck sake, Im a teenager.

No one moved a muscle, but i figured i'd mess something up, i'd rather have her as a friend than nothing at all.

"Well... we better start heading out, don't want to miss the party now" I say out of the blue, shifting my body from underneath her awkwardly.

"Right yeah... the party" Josie awkwardly responds.

Something changed.

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