Lucky Intuition

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 As we walk our way down the halls, towards the main hall, I begin to worry. What if it is better if I stay away from this one... what if I should.

Jade must've noticed this.

"Hey... Don't worry, Trust me you'll have Lizzie falling for you all over again" Jade jokes.

We had arrived... the doors ahead of us.

The sound of music blared throughout, as we both simultaneously opened the doors into the ball room.

Taking a glance at one another before, once again, linking arms as we get ready to walk down the steps.

"Ready" Jade asks.

"Of course" I lie slightly, nodding... taking a deep breath.

And then we begin our walk down the red-carpeted steps. 

I barely took in what was happening as my mind filled with all the ways I could mess this up by falling over.

However I glanced balloons filling the ceiling, as red and white banners danced across the stairs and drink stations around the room.

Everyones eyes felt as if they were on us... I couldn't look around as I knew I'd catch the eyes of someone I don't think would be happy I was here.

And soon enough we both reached the bottom of the stairs as we mutually decide to get a couple drinks inside us.

There were bowls for vampires, typically the stronger stuff as it took a lot for us to get drunk, werewolves, witches and so on.

"Did you see her face" Jade laughs as she takes a red cup.

"Who's" I ask.

"Lizzie's... wait did you not see it? It was process Mikaelson I'm telling you." Jade explains rapidly.

"Really" I enquire further.

"Yeah her mouth was practically wide open" Jade encourages.

That definitely boosted my ego a little bit too much... however I'm kind of annoyed at myself for not seeing it myself.

I also didn't give the room enough credit... it was stunning, fairy lights dashed around, a Photo Booth to complete the look.

"This place is amazing" I state.

"Of course It is, your girl designed it" Jade speaks up.

What... she didn't tell me.

"Lizzie? Seriously? She didn't even tell me" I stand amazed.

"Come on Mikaelson, I know you're desperate to dance" Jade beamed.

"I really don-" I don't get to finish my sentence as I'm dragged onto the dance floor.

Jade dragging me past tonnes of students in order to find a spot for us, and soon enough she found an opening.

Slinging her arms over my shoulders effortlessly as we bob up and down to the music, I Wouldn't say the alcohol was hitting me, I'd only had about 3 cups, but it definitely was a little freeing.

Screaming the lyrics of 'Can't hold us' at the top of our lungs to one another.

"I think someones a little drunk" Jade points out.

"Oh shut up" I shrug off with a laugh.

"Its a shame we didn't meet first... You're nicer than I thought" Jade shouts over the music.

"I could've used you around a month or two ago lets just say that" I yell back.

Another couple minutes go by of us yelling the lyrics at one another until...

It started playing... the song... One that Josie and I had danced to and yelled at one another that night at the party, 'our song'... we'd listened to this when we were young.

'Smells like teen spirit' came into play as I was left there dwelling in all the memories.

It was the song I'd listened to every time I thought of her, I remember a time in my life where she was everything to me.

Josie must've had the exact same thought as I catch her skimming her way through the crowd, now stood behind Jade, twirling her thumbs as she takes a deep breath before signalling me over.

I was not exaggerating when I say she looked amazing... I mean she was drop dead gorgeous tonight... She never failed to amaze me.

It took my breath away... she had a black dress on with imprinted flowers, her hair tied into a neat bun.

"Excuse me one second" I whisper to Jade.

Who is that out of it right now, she just begins dancing with a random stranger... 

I just stand there, looking at her, struggling for what I could possibly say.

"Josie" Is all I manage to choke up.

It was clear she had the exact same thought.

"Miss Mikaelson, would you do me the honours of dancing with me" Josie mocks in a English accent.

In that moment, I forgot everything we had done to one another.

"Of course, Miss Saltzman" I reply back.

Josie reaches out her hand as I reach out and grab it.

I bring her closer with a twirl, as our bodies pressed up against each other, eyes in direct contact with one another.

We don't say a word, Josie's right hand resting softly in my left, as my left hand positioned on her hip, her right on my shoulder.

All my problems disappeared, if I'd have just told her sooner, maybe... just maybe we could've had something here. But like I've said before, that flame has passed.

"I'm so sorry Hope" Josie chokes up.

"Don't worry about it... all of it. Water under the bridge" I flash her a reassuring smile.

"I just wish it could've been different... I felt things too late, Tried to escape them and failed... I haven't stopped thinking about you" Josie almost looks on the brink of tears.

"Josie-" I Go to speak.

"No... No I get it, I really do. I was awful to you, leading you on without even realising it, And when I realised, Your heart is already with someone else. Which might sound condescending but I'm so happy you have... I really am. You deserve the world, and I'm just sorry I couldn't have been the one to give it to you" Josie's lips tremble.

"And something tells me that person is my sister... I could be completely missing the mark here, but if I'm right and it is... please understand that I'm okay with it. Hope you make her a better person, she beat the crap out of someone for mentioning your name..." Josie ends with a reassuring smile.

I just chuckle and look over her shoulder to see her... I could feel the breath leaving my chest.. butterflies became very apparent as I feel complete as I see her... Lizzie.

Lizzie was stood at the drink station over Josie's shoulder.

I couldn't take my eyes off her... her hair was styled perfectly to the side, with her makeup being as flawless as ever, she doesn't need makeup at all... but she looked good.... great in fact.

She turned around as her eyes met mine and I knew she felt the exact same thing I did... a smile sets upon my face unexpectedly, as she does the same.

My mind flashes back to Josie.

"I really appreciate that Josie... I really do" Is all I manage to respond.

I look back over her shoulder to see her vanished... I was slightly disappointed.

But soon after the song was nearing the end... and I was desperately scoping the crowd for any sign of Jade...

"Someone I think wants a dance with you" Josie hints.

Nodding her head in the way behind me, As I turn around I'm once again lost for words...

"Hi" I nervously greet her.

"Hey" The same amount of nerves is sent back.

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