Sweet company

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I just throw my dorm door open and just feel defeated. I just couldn't deal with all this right now... all at once.

I could almost scream... The fact I'd be blamed for doing something even remotely close to outing someone hurt.

But I don't regret saying anything as its true, she can't expect for me just to ignore all the things she'd done.

I just felt hurt... mainly from the whole Josie situation, the worst part is I felt guilty as hell for feeling angry at her... as I can't speak to her about it.

I Just lay there on my bed... feeling empty.

I did this as the hours sped past me over and over again as I recalled the hateful words I'd spat at the girl who drove me crazy, but I just thought I wouldn't have said those things if I wasn't annoyed at Josie... it was a cycle.

I didn't move from that same position, even noticing the sun going down in the corner of my eye as I scrolled endlessly through instagram and Tiktok.

Ending up falling asleep in the most uncomfortable position possible, with my head under my pillow in an attempt to cool the raging heat outside.

The sun drastically wakes me up... I just want to go back to sleep for days on end.

I lay there, knowing that today I'd get hell for what I said to Lizzie if I went out my dorm, I know her friends would make my day awful.

I wasn't in the mood, If any of them started something I think I'd retaliate... and that scares me more than anything, the last time I blew up, I killed a church full of vampire purists.

I just had to bite the bullet and do it, I'd practically run out of blood bags and needed more from the freezer.

I threw on a hoodie and a pair of black shorts, brushed my hair and teeth before heading out my dorm.

I pretty much made it my mission to just head there and then head straight back.

But of course... nothings ever this easy for Hope Mikaelson as soon enough Penelope Park, Alyssa Chang, Kaleb and Sebastian were occupying the only way to the kitchen.

I threw my hood up and tried to avoid detection but once again, it didn't work.

"Woah look who it is" Penelope's voice yelled directed at me.

"Not today" I utter under my breath.

"What did you say Mikaelson" Penelope now walking towards me.

"I said I don't have time for some arrogant, weak, witch today thanks" I throw at her.

She didn't take this well as next thing I know my body is thrown like a rag doll against the side of the lockers.

"Did you say weak?" Penelope chuckles under her breath.

I'd had enough.

I stand up, my eyes glowing a gold, My tribrid face... 

Taking a couple steps towards her, throwing her to the ground as my hand wraps around her neck.

My face still in the scary tribrid state.

"What was that?" I mock.

"I Think this is pretty weak of you" I laugh.

I gather what I was doing, and instantly back right off... it was only to make a point that I wasn't to be messed with and I'm pretty sure she got that by now.

As I stand up I hear her start choking for air.

I turn my back to them, trying to return my face back to normal.

As I'm doing this I'm taken off guard as a hand comes clashing with my bare face, knocking me onto the floor in surprise.

Of course she hadn't finished.

I go to stand up but Penelope must find it funny to kick me back down as I do so.

I got to give it to her, her punches hurt like a bitch.

She did this multiple times, taking entertainment in me not being able to retaliate... quite frankly I could've easily gotten up and kicked her ass... but I was exhausted... not physically yet mentally. It was nice to feel something for a change.

Blood pools out of my nose as I just shoot them all a smile which angers them even more.

The next thing I know a familiar face enters the scene.

Lizzie's face turns to a look of horror... then to anger... not at me.

Lizzie rushes towards Penelope, pushing her into the locker behind us, having her held up by the collar of her shirt.

"What the fuck did I tell you" Lizzie shakes the scared girl beneath her, desperately looking for an answer as I lay there on the floor.

"T-to back off" Penelope stutters.

I liked how everyone... even her friends were scared of Lizzie.

"If I catch you doing anything... and I mean anything to her I swear to god I'll make you wish you didn't, got it?" Lizzie shakes the girl beneath her once more.

Penelope doesn't answer, yet just focuses her gaze on me, if looks could kill... I'd be dead.

"GOT IT" Lizzie begins to yell to snap her out of it.

"Yes... yes I understand" Penelope replies.

Lizzie drops her like a sack of rocks onto the ground, shooting me a look. you'd think it would be a look of 'why do I always have to defend you'... but It wasn't.

It was almost a look of guilt... Like she did It as a sign she understood what I was saying last night.

She shoots me a small smile... along with the nod of her head before walking back off down the hall, head bowed.

I had to talk to her...

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