Hopeless Insanity

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We just end up smiling at eachother and the occasional laugh fills the air as we hurry to get our clothes on.

"How do I look" I style a quick pose before asking the blonde.

Lizzie walks a little towards me, Placing a hand on my face.

"Like a model" Lizzie whispers before kissing me.

Making me blush slightly.

She caught her own reflection in a small pocket sized mirror, as she re-adjusts her hair.

We flash a quick smirk at one another before rushing off for lesson, realising we were 15 minutes late... it was worth it.

Luckily we were In the same class so it made it easier.

Our faces bright red as we run into spells, Slightly out of breath as Lizzie sweet talks our way out of getting a detention... Headteachers daughter and all.

Slumping into our seats at the back of class as the teacher continues with her teaching.

Soon after I get a text... luckily my phone was on silent.  However I could feel it.


          Josie <3

What the hell is going on with you and my sister?


Well there's clearly something. She's not good for you Hope

Nothing is going on

Good... She'll use you

Thats rich coming from you

What is that supposed to mean?

You know exactly what.

I hated arguing with her, Lizzie must've noticed how obvious I was while texting underneath the table as her arm nudged me.

"What's up" Lizzie questions.

I just show her the text messages between Josie and i... her face wide open with disbelief.

"She's really out here bashing me? Wow" Lizzie acts offended.

"I've heard worse" Lizzie adds.

I liked that it didn't hurt her... 

I found it funny that Josie was the one saying she'd use me... almost like she hadn't just kissed me the other day in order to figure out her feelings.

Josie must've heard us talking as the look she gave me from the other side of the classroom was a look I'd never forget... man she was angry. 

Lizzie shot her a quick wink to aggravate her a little.

"I Think I know why" Lizzie calmly whispers to me.

"What do you mean" I ask.

What she does next shocks me to my core, Making sure the teachers back was turned and that Josie's and only Josie's eyes were on us... She made a quick move.

Quickly leaving a quick kiss on my lips, only for a second out of fear of being caught... But Josie's face was priceless.

"Jealousy" Lizzie leans over to whisper shortly.

It clicked... she was jealous? Really? Of what. She made it clear she had no feelings for me.

"What pff... no" I reply.

"You believe whatever you want... but I've seen that look a million times" Lizzie slumps back in her chair.

"You're wrong... she's not jealous" I try tell her.

But Lizzie wasn't having it... She was certain that she was.

I caught a couple glimpses of Josie over the next hour or so which made me even question myself... The way she was looking at Lizzie like she'd murdered her entire family.

Josie was with Jade... no way.

The lesson swiftly finished as Josie practically sprinted out the door, Not wanting to even look or speak to us.

"See... Jealousy" Lizzie teases before heading out herself.

Maybe she was right? I don't know... I don't believe it.

I don't know if I could forgive the things that Josie did to me... so callously leaving me like it was nothing to her, I can't look at her the same.

I don't care if Josie was jealous. If anything it made things exciting... Maybe I could use Lizzie as an advantage after all.

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