8 ~ A Lucky Little Slut

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Robin looked up at me, her gaze asking if she could tell Ryan. I shrugged in response.

"What's wrong?" He said, looking back and forth at our faces, "Tell me or I swear I will slap you both silly." He said.

"Might as well," I mumbled, "But you can't tell anyone!" I told him sternly.

"Cross my heart and hope to die, smash a muffin in my eye!" he said, forming an 'X' over his chest with his index finger.

"Ryan, she's serious." Robin said, "Adam will probably have you killed if you do."

"Wait so it's serious serious?" he said, as I rolled my eyes and nodded at him, "Got it, now spill!"

I sighed, "I'm his mate," I said staring at Ryan to get a reaction.

"Who's mate?" he asked.

"Ryan, stop being an idiot," Robin said slapping him lightly on his shoulder.

"Holy shit, you're Adam's mate?" he said, gaping as reality struck him, "You lucky little slut." I smirked and shrugged.

"But aren't you a cat?" He asked.

"She said there's more to her than we think," Robin said.

"Ooh, more secrets, I like," He said, wiggling his eyebrows. I laughed at him and winked. I really liked his guy.

"Yea, I'm just mysterious like that," I said jokingly while giggling.

"Anyhow," He began, "As I was saying before this kitty incident happened, you will not believe what Fiona did!" He said, amusement filling his blue eyes.

"Well go on, tell us." Robin encouraged.

Ryan looked up at me, "Honey sit down, would you? You're making me feel intimidated," He said and I simply hopped onto the bed and crossed my legs in front of me.

"Okay so you know the party she's having tonight? Well basically she didn't invite Sydney, and let me tell you, Sydney flipped. Like she was screaming so the whole fucking pack heard her. But obviously, she got Adam to come to the rescue and fix everything for 'little miss princess'. So the devil herself is basically going to be at the party tonight," He said while rolling his eyes.

Wait a second ... Adam as in my Adam?

"Hold up, you're still coming right?" He asked Robin, not giving me time to ask any questions.

"Uhm, I don't know..." she trailed off staring at me. "Adam told me to keep an eye on her."

"Oh okay, simple." He said while shrugging, "We take her with us!" he said while giggling. "If all he said was to 'keep an eye on her'!"

Robin seemed to think about it for a few seconds, when excitement filled her eyes as she exclaimed, "Perfect!"

"Wait, you want me to go to a party? With you? And other people?" I asked while raising an eyebrow, as they both stared at me blankly, "Just to warn you, I haven't been to one of those in a few years."

"Did you just say years?!" They both shrieked at the same time. I laughed at them and nodded.

"Well then, let's glam you up!" Robin said while grabbing my hand and pulling me to her large walk in wardrobe.

"Wait, Robin?" Ryan asked still sitting on the bed, "What about her handcuffs?"

"Oh, yea..." Robin said while looking down at my still cuffed hands. "She can't really party in those can she?" She asked.

I looked up at them, waiting for them to decide.

"I know!" Robin suddenly exclaimed. She walked over and opened the jewelry box I had examined half an hour before. She pulled out an elegant necklace, with half a moon hanging from the bottom.

"It's gold," She explained. Does everyone know about me being like, allergic to this stuff?? Robin seemed to notice my expression, "Adam told me to keep you cuffed, cause of the gold in your handcuffs. But if you wear this, there will still be the same effect, but you'll look glamorous at the same time!"

As much as I hated being trapped, it was better than the cuffs I was wearing. I hesitantly nodded as she placed the necklace around my neck and took out a key from her pockets to unlock the cuffs.

I stretched my hands, but noticed I still couldn't shift into Lana.

"And you can't take off the necklace either, so do us all a favor and don't try." She stated.

"It's perfect!" Ryan shrieked. I was wearing a short black dress which came up to my thighs. Robin had also lent me a pair of black stilettos. Not that she minded, she had about a hundred other pairs.

"Can you walk in them?" Robin asked raising an eyebrow. I shrugged in response.

"I used to do a lot of walking in heels ages ago," I said, "hopefully it's like riding bike." I was right. I gracefully walked around the room and smiled into the mirror.

"Now your hair," Ryan said, holding a flat iron. "You're wavy locks are beautiful babe, truly, but straight hair will go better." He stated as I sat down in front of a makeup table.

He was doing my hair as we waited for Robin to get ready. I wondered about what he had said about that girl Sydney, so seized the opportunity and decided to ask him.

"When you were talking earlier, you mentioned a girl called Sydney. Who is she exactly?" I asked, looking at him from the mirror.

"Oh, she's like the queen bee." He told me, "Plus she's a total bitch. She thinks she's something cause..." he said, suddenly stopping.

"What?" I asked narrowing my eyes.

"Oh honey, I'm sorry," he said.

"What's wrong? Tell me!" I insisted.

"She's Adam's girlfriend..." He said looking down.

If I was a bomb, I would have exploded.
A.N :

Above is my version of Ryan :)
Similar to the previous chapter, if this chapter gets 10 votes, I will update quicker. Otherwise I'll probably update in about two or three days:) x

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