47 ~ The Ones I Trust

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"What?!" I hissed.

"Well... Yea." Robin shrugged. "Didn't Adam tell you?"

"Well obviously not," I huffed. "Mom?" I called, opening the door slowly.

"Yea?" She asked.

"Can you take care of Pup for a while? I need to take care of something."

"Sure," She smiled. I carried Pup out of my robe, where she had been sleeping quietly.

"Where'd that come from?" Ryan asked, puzzled.

"Long story, now if you'll excuse me." I turned and went the same way Adam had gone. I let my nose guide me as I tried to find his scent.

Once the mesmerizing aroma filled my nose, I followed it, pacing down the hallway.

"Red?!" I heard Ryan shout. "Where are you going? Red, answer me for Goddess' sake!"

"To speak to my mate," I huffed.

"More drama?" I heard Robin grumble.

"Don't act like you don't love it," Ryan said, and I could sense the excitement it his voice.

My nose lead me to a big door.

"What's in here?" I asked.

"It's the conference room," Robin explained. "Where meetings are held. Red you can't just barge in, your practically naked."

I forgot I was only wearing a robe, with nothing on underneath.

"Watch me." I yanked the door open, which was thankfully not locked.

"Octavia?" Adam asked, with a confused expression.

"We need to talk," I hissed.

"What's wrong?" His face was covered with worry.

He better be fucking worried.

"What's wrong? Hmn... Let's see... Does Ceremonia di Luna ring a bell?" I narrowed my eyes as I walked towards him. He stood up from the table, where I saw several other people seated. Amongst them I noticed Cam, Caleb and Duke.

"Who told you about that?" He asked.

"That would be me," Robin peeked her head into the room. "Sorry." Adam shook his head whilst rolling his eyes.

"I was going to discuss that with you after this meeting," he said, calmly.

"What is it exactly you are discussing?" I asked.

"The arrival of your family, and what effect they have on this pack..." He paused before noticing that I had raised my eyebrow at him, signalling him to continue. "I doubt it will be long before Alpha Roberts figures out that they are here. I have no idea what he will do when he does, and more so when he realizes that you're here too. My father created an alliance with that pack years ago, and I never broke it since they were always an advantage to us. This pack specializes in the production of steel, and not only have they been a great client to our industry, but also have helped sell to other packs. That along with the security they provide have made me keep them by our side, no matter how cruel their Alpha is-"

"Back to my family," I interrupted. "What's your plan?"

Just as he was about to reply, a man stumbled into the room. Robin and Ryan, who had entered the room, tried to hold their giggles at the clumsy man.

"Alpha," he bowed his head in respect whilst his eyes glared at the two for a moment. "A messenger was found just outside our territory. He claims that Alpha Alan Roberts will be holding searches through a number of packs in the area to find three runaway prisoners. Two men and one women-"

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