30 ~ Becoming A Healer

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"You're secret is safe with me, Octavia." He said as his lips curved into a small smile. "So why the big secret?"

"This pack caged me, cuffed me, and if it wasn't for the Alpha being my mate they would have forced me to heal their people. After all they know about me my name is all I have left that I feel is mine. And even though I'm trying to trust Adam, I just don't feel comfortable with it just yet." I explained. But I knew I had to start trusting someone, so might as well trust someone of my kind.

"Fair enough," he said. "So let's begin. Give me your hand." He instructed. I placed my wrist in his palm. He reached for the back of his pocket and pulled put a knife, slitting the upper part of my wrist before I could pull away.

"Son of a bitch!" I hissed, snatching my stinging hand back as the blood dripped onto the parquet floor.

"I thought we said you were going to trust me," he said as he touched his fingers to the cut and closed his eyes. When he removed his hand from my wrist, the cut was gone and all that remained was the drying blood on my skin.

"Oh my Goddess," I said while examining my wrist properly.

"How long would you usually take to heal a cut like that on your own?" He asked.

"Maybe an hour," I replied. Due to increased healing, all shifters heal quicker.

"That's already faster than normal, which is good. Hopefully, it means you'll be a good healer," he explained.

"So how do I do it?" I asked.

"You know how when you shift, you think of yourself as a...?"

"Leopard," I filled in.

"Right. You have to picture the wound healing, and it should work." He continued. He held up his knife again, cleaned off my blood from it, and slit his own wrist. He grunted a bit before continuing. "Now you heal me."

"What if I can't?" I asked.

"But what if you can?" He replied, holding out his wrist for me. I placed my palm on his bleeding wrist and took a deep breath. I closed my eyes and concentrated.

Heal... Heal... Heal..

I opened my eyes and lifted my hand. But the wound was still there.

"Why didn't it work?" I asked angrily.

"Calm down, it takes a while to learn how. Ask your leopard for help, she might know what to do. They are usually wiser than we could know."

I like this one, can we keep him? Lana asked in my head.

How about you help me heal him first? I replied.

I nodded at Theo, and placed my hand onto his wrist for the second time. I closed my eyes again, and I could feel Lana's concentration. When I lifted my hand I didn't see any difference.

"It's not working!" I hissed.

"Yes it is," Theo said. "Look properly."

I stared at the cut until I noticed that it had decreased by a few millimeters.

"It's not a lot, but it sure is a start." He said, while bringing his own hand over the cut and after a couple of milliseconds, it was gone. I must have been smiling like an idiot 'cause when he looked back at me, he let out a laugh. "Someone looks pleased about herself."

"I did it," I whispered. At that the door to the gym swung open and Adam came walking in.

"How's it going?" He asked.

"I did it!" I screamed as I ran up to him and jumped up. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he held me from my behind. I buried my nose into his hair and he buried his into my neck.

"I knew you could," he whispered.


"This is your room," Adam said to Theodore, opening a door to a descent bedroom.

"Thanks," he said. "What time is dinner?"

"Seven," Adam replied. "So you have two hours to get... Comfortable."

"We'll see you at dinner then," I said, smiling at my teacher.

"Can't wait," he replied, returning the smile. He held out his hand for Adam to shake. "Alpha." He said in respect. And didn't take his hand but simply nodded, and I shot him a glare. "I can understand why you don't trust me: I'm more like your mate than you. But I hope you understand that I would never try to take her from you. I have more respect for both of you to do something like that."

"Good," Adam replied. "See you at dinner." He said as he started to leave, gently tugging at my hand which he was already clutching onto.

"Bye!" I said to Theo before turning around and walking with Adam. "Can we stop at the kitchen? I'm hungry." I said.

"Sure," He replied. "But don't eat too much, save room for dinner."

"Just something small," I said as we entered the kitchen. I took up an apple from the fruit bowl and took a big bite. "Why'd you have to give Theo such a hard time?" I asked with my mouth full of apple.

"Chew, swallow, then speak." He said letting out a chuckle.

"Why'd you give Theo such a hard time?" I repeated after digesting my apple.

"I just don't like the way he looks at you. I don't trust him."

"Yea, but you don't trust anyone." I said quietly. "Can you please try not to be so rude next time we see him? He is trying to help us."

"You're right, you're right." He replied. "I'm sorry," he said as he cupped my face and planted a soft kiss on my lips. "Forgive me?"

"Don't I always?" I asked, causing him to let out a chuckle.

At dinner I sat beside Adam, who was sitting at the top of the table. Alpha Stephan sat in front of me and the rest of his pack sat to the right of Adam. To my left there was Beta Duke, followed by Cam, followed by the rest of the pack. In the room there must have been a total of 150 weres, 25 of which were not from our pack.

"I have an announcement to make," Adam stated, standing up. The whole room fell silent. "Beside me here," he began motioning in my direction, "I have a werecat. She has agreed to help us in heal and so is of great importance to our pack. But that's not why I made this speech. I wish to inform you all that she is in fact, my mate. Anyone who disrespects her will deal with me. Anyone who is against her possibly becoming the future Luna of this pack, may leave." He finished, waiting for a reaction.

The room bursted into a roar of applause. When it died down I heard many voices booming.

"Make a speech!"

"What's her name?"

"Say something!"

I looked to Adam and he nodded in acceptance. I stood up and smiled at everyone staring up at me. Terrified was an understatement.

"Hi," I began. "My name is Octavia, and I'm happy to be one of you."

This author's note is slightly long, but please take a moment to read it.

Guys I'm so sorry, I'm a really bad author. So sorry for the super late update, but I hope you enjoyed it!

Thank you for the 40 votes, which we reached really fast! Having said that... 45 votes for the next chapter?

Okay, okay I'm a horrible person, so I'm going to try update SOON. I just have to write a chapter first :') <3

On a totally different note, I've begun writing a new book, but it's not published yet. It is a werewolf book and it entwines with this one. It's basically one of the main characters of this story's point of view, and background etc. I don't know when I'll publish it, so make sure to follow me if you want to know as soon as I do. Thanks <3

Please vote if you enjoyed it, comment if you have anything to say and follow me! :)

- Maja x

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