35 ~ Found

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|Quick Recap|

Octavia has run away from Adam after finding Sydney walking out of his bedroom naked. She ran to Helen's cafe (where she used to spend her time when she was a rogue) and found out that:
i) Helen knows about weres and Octavia's mother asked her to take care of Octavia.
ii) Sydney is Helen's granddaughter, but Helen is not a were.
iii) Sydney never knew about Adam and Octavia being mates, and claims that they had an agreement which stated that they would stay together until the other finds his/her mate.


"What?" Sydney asked, frowning.

"My brother." I stated. "Why. Do. You. Smell. Like. Him."

"You have a brother?" She asked.

"Answer the question!" I shouted.

"I don't know who your brother is!" She shouted back.

"Sam. Samuel Myers." I hissed. I saw her eyes widen. "So you do know him." I grabbed her by her neck and started choking her. "Where is he?! What did you do to him!" I shouted in her face. She had my brother. She had him all along.

"Let go of me you psychopath!" She chocked, as she pushed me off of her. "I didn't do anything." She said, heaving breaths.

"Where is he?" I pleaded. She looked me up and down and stared hard into my eyes.

"He and your parents are locked up in our neighboring pack. They are being kept as prisoners for keeping a secret from everyone else that could have prevented many wars-"

"Me." I said.

"You." She replied, "You are the reason Sam's locked in there?"

"Why do you care?" I muttered, ashamed of the truth.

"Because he's my mate." She replied.

"What?" I asked, widening my eyes. "But you said-"

"Adam doesn't know." She interrupted.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because he's been in enough trouble with all these packs and I don't want him to have to pay just because of me." She said.

"Sydney... We have to tell him." I replied.

"After you tell me why my mate is locked up."

"I told you-"

"Be precise." She ordered.

"Why didn't Sam tell you?" I asked.

"He just didn't want to. Said information spreads like wild fire around packs and he didn't want the wrong people to find out."

"He's still trying to protect me..." I mumbled.

"Explain." She said. I rolled my eyes.

"Ever since I was young and my parents found out I was a werecat, they were very secretive about me. The pack knew, but everyone was sworn to secrecy. They told me it was because I was 'special' and 'different', but now I know it was because I would become a healer." I began.

"But weren't your parents werecats?" She asked.

"Havn't you met them? Are they not with him?" I asked, suddenly panicked.

"They're in a different cell, and I guess it never came up." She explained.

"My mother was a werecat. Is a werecat. But I don't know if she can heal. I didn't even know werecats could heal, before coming here. Her and my father are mates; he's a werewolf. But they weren't sure how their children would turn out, so when they had Sam they canceled out any probabilities of having a werekitten. Until I was born. And when they noticed I was a werecat, everyone was set on protecting me. And now I know why they did, and why our pack was destroyed." I said. After a few minutes of silence Sydney spoke.

"Well I hope you have something planned, 'cause we have to get my mate-"

"My brother." I corrected.

"That too - out of there."

"I say we go tell Adam." I said.

"No." She replied. "They'll kill him."

"Why?" I asked.

"Because they don't know he has you. And they'll kill me too, for being Sam's mate. You know how our pack is known for being harsh?" I raised an eyebrow in response. "This pack we're talking about, they're barbaric."

I paced back and forth across the lawn.

"Can I meet them?" I asked.

"No," She replied.

"Why not?!"

"Because it's too dangerous."

"Then how come you get to go?"

"Because I know a guy who guards the pack."

"Well then introduce us, and then I will know a guy who guards the pack too." I insisted. She suddenly stood up.

"I need to go." She said. "Let's meet here, in two days at four."

"Don't be late!" I shouted as she ran.

"You're the one without a watch!" She shouted back.

Just then Helen came out into the garden.

"Everything okay?" She asked.

"Yea, kinda." I replied. "I just need to go.. Think things through."

"Listen, if you need to leave some clothes here or need some food, I'm all yours." She offered.

"Thanks," I smiled.

"Now go for a run, let that puppy loose." She joked, and I laughed in response.

"And to think I thought you had no idea about weres." I said.


Lana's printed legs pounded as we kept running. We had been running for two hours. And before that Nika had been running for three.

I needed to get my family out of there. But I didn't want to have Adam killed. Even after what he did, I didn't want him dead. The mere thought sent weird shivers down my spine.

And how could I expect Sydney to give herself up? Not only had she helped me find my family, but she was also my brother's mate.

So I had to come up with something else.

We stopped by the lake and started to drink some water. I felt Lana's ears twitch as we heard a silent rustle of leaves and she instantly turned her head and crouched down to stay hidden. After minutes of looking carefully around, we spotted a pair of tiny wolf ears. I quickly shifted into Nika, so not to frighten the nearby wolf. But as I started to silently crawl towards the wolf, I noticed that it wasn't a wolf at all. It was a grey pup.

Just as I started to make my way closer to the whelp, it turned its head and spotted me. It instantly started to yelp in fear, but I soon realized that it could not move. It's leg was bleeding, and it was lying down on a bed of blood stained grass.

Try to get it to calm down, I instructed.

Nika whimpered to try and soothe the baby, and I noticed it picked up it's ears, but kept whining. We made our way to the pup, and lay down beside it. We turned our head away from it, so not to make eye contact, hoping that it would stop seeing us as a threat.

After about half an hour of whining, it seemed to fall asleep. Nika turned her head to get a proper look, and sure enough the pup was shivering and quietly snoring in its sleep. Nika's motherly instinct must have kicked in, as she carefully tucked the pup under her thick fur, and soon enough we snoozed off.


Hope the recap was helpful, as some of you have said you forgot what has happened. Please comment your opinions on that, and whether you find it helpful.

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- Maja x

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